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It was still early when I opened my eyes. I was snuggled up into Five's chest. My head hurt a bit but I actually still remember most of the night and I clearly remember how it ended. It was a wild round, but amazing. Five was actually caring, completely opposite to Ben who was more wild and always wanted to be the dominant one, yeah Five was dominant but he was also caring and was very careful in not hurting me, but when I told him that he wasn't hurting me and I would promise if it did hurt, it became more wild. But it was amazing. Much more than all my times with Ben.

I'd normally be shivering under the sheet, but the warmth that spread through my moment Five had taken me in his arms had not disappeared.

I closed my eyes, wondering if that was just a dream, and I would wake up from this any minute now. So I wanted to savor this moment while it lasted.


As all the pictures about what happen last night came back I opened my eyes before I looked down to see Y/n sleeping next to me. 

I scanned to hers and mine body to see hickeys all over our bodies, not a place barely untouched. Her wrist were bruised and I had red scratch marks down my back while I also noticed we were both naked. 

Fuck. Hoping that was happen last night was just something my drunk mind had made, but it was real.   

What the hell have you done, Five? This was not part of the plan. You have really fucked up.

But why did most of me actually enjoy it very much and I was not that drunk so I couldn't control myself and I remember every details about it. And it was actually amazing. Like really really amazing.

Stop it Five, it was a one night drunk stand and it would never happen again. My dad gave me one job and I can't fuck it up.

'Remember that under no circumstance will you have any emotional or physical connection to her. Don't fall in love with her'

Well, I failed that big time, but this will never happen again and also I'm not in love with her.

I quickly got out of bed before I started picking up my clothes that was spread all around.  

"Y/n wake up" I said as I was putting my clothes back on. I was nervous and scared "Get dressed before someone see us" I said. I didn't knew if anyone I have seeing us together and I was really hoping that this mansion didn't have cameras, 'cause this would be a tough one to explain to my dad.  

"Why?" she asked as she slowly woke up "Get dress I don't wanna be caught" I said "It doesn't matter if they saw us Five" she said "No, Y/n, you don't understand what will happen to me, to you, to us" I said "Your family wouldn't hurt you over a woman, Five" she said "You don't know my family. Look I didn't say they will hurt me, I just don't want anyone to find out" I said "So? Why are you so scared if they find out, do you have a secret that you don't want me to know or something?" she asked and I froze for a second.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now