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Five's head was laying on my lap as I was sitting on the floor with my back leaned against the bed while Sloane and Jackie was sitting on the floor next to each other.

We were all talking, joking while laughing.

"I can't believe that you did that?" Five chuckled "Hey I was four. I was just a kid, I guess you also have have some child embarrassed moments" I said "Probably. I do remember that when we were eight my brother Diego told my other brother Klaus that licking a nine-vold battery will give you pubs" Five explain which cause the rest of us to laugh "No and he did it?" Jackie chuckled "Yeah" Five nodded "No way" I giggled "And when we were 12 he tried to wear our adopted mother Grace's high heels" Five told us "Then what happen?" I asked "He ran down the stairs wearing the heels, trip over and broke his jaw, he couldn't speak for eight weeks, it was actually nice having a break from his talking" Five said "Poor guy" Sloane said "Yeah well, he learn from his mistakes" Five said and I giggled which 'cause Five to look at me before smiling.

My mother said I'm too romantic
She said, "You're dancing in the movies"
I almost started to believe her
Then I saw you and I knew

"Okay, enough with all the child embarrassed moments. Y/n, I want to ask you something?" Five asked and I looked at him.


"If you could choose to be any animal in the whole world, what kind would you be and why?" he asked "Why that question?" Y/n asked "I just want to know" he said "Well, then I'll choose to be an eagle" she said "Why?" he asked "Because when I see one, I always imagine what it would be like to be up there flying in the sky. To go wherever you want, not have many enemies, don't have to worry about much, not having anyone telling you what to do. Be free" she said.

Maybe it's 'cause I got a little bit older
Maybe it's all that I've been through
I'd like to think it's how you lean on my shoulder
And how I see myself with you

Five looked at her as she let out a sigh "It must be wonderful, being free like that. I can't wait to get the hell out of here, I hope I will ever have the chance to get out of here. I want to see the world, and then after that, live in a nice and peaceful and quite, actually where your mansion is are a perfect place to live" she let out another sigh.

"I don't know, I just want to live my own life, without having anyone to ruin or control it, make my own choices. I want to live in a beautiful house, that is built on a place with a beautiful landscape, where I can wake up every morning and see the sunrise and in the evening see the sunset over the mountains or the ocean, a place that is beautiful all the time of the year, a place where I can lie on the grass and looked at the stars every night, a place where there is peace and quite, that is my dream" she picture it in her mind while the three others were looking at her.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now