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Both Y/n and I arrived at a mansion that my family stayed in for the time being while they were in L.A.

"What a round" Y/n said as we walked towards the building where my family was staying "Yeah, you keep surprising me with new tricks" I smiled "And you keep surprising me with new tricks too" she said and we looked at each other with a smile.  

"So your family are staying here" Y/n said as we walk up to the front door "Yeah" I nodded before I turned to her.

"I gotta warn you. My family is a bit weird" I said "How weird?" she asked "Well, as you know Luther is Number One, he is a dumbass. He's the big one, shortest hair. His abilities is super strength. He has being on the moon for four years. He is like superman but much much dummer, plus is a daddy's boy. He has a monkey's body which is one of the reason he is huge" I said and she chuckled.

"Then there is Diego, Number Two, goth boy, wearing black all the time and he is a mommy's boy. He is like batman but aim lower. His ability is that he can curve anything he throw but most used knife which explain why he carries around knives. He might be rude to you" I explain and she nodded.

"Then there is Allison, Number Three" I said "I know her, she is a famous move star, right?" she asked and he nodded "Yeah and her ability is that she can rumor anyone to do anything" he said and she nodded.

"Then there is Klaus. Number Four, the weird one, he is always high and drunk all the time. He used to be the fun one of us. His ability is to see the dead and communicate with them" he said "That must be a cool ability but on the other hand it must be hard seeing and hearing all the dead people. Maybe that's why he drink and is high" she said "Yeah maybe. Anyway he is crazy. He might come up with weird comments about the relationship we are in" I explain and she nodded.

"Then there is Viktor. Number Seven, spend years thinking that he had no powers. But he is actually have, he can convert sound into energy. Can harness and manipulate sound and energy, redistributing it in a number of possible ways. His eyes turn and sink turns ice blue when he is using his powers" I explain.

I knew that I have already told her this before. But I to tell her again. Just in case.

"You do know that you have told me that before, right?" she asked "Yeah. I know, but I wanted to tell you again. Plus a few extra things" I said and she smiled.

I then turned to the front door before knocking.

"Nervous?" I asked as I looked at her "Well, I have met your siblings before, so" she said "Don't worry I'm here" he said "I know. Beside they can't be worse than my siblings right?" she looked at me.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now