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I was sitting on my bed with my face in my hands, crying.

Why did my life had to be this hard? Why can't it be happy and normal?

The sound of someone knocking on my window 'cause me to look up to see Five by the window wet from the rain.

I walked over before I opened the window "What are you doing here?" I asked "I came to see if everything was alright?" he asked "You are dipping wet" I gestured to him "Don't worry about me. I was worried about you" he crawled inside.

"You didn't answer my texts so I got worried" he said "Do you have any idea what will happen if my dad saw you?" I asked "I couldn't just wait, I needed to see you" he scanned my face to see that I have being crying.

"What happen?" he lifted his hand to my cheek "Did anyone hurt you? Did Ben hurt you? Did your dad?" he wipe the tear away.

"I was able to trick them, but my dad is watching me now. So we can't see each other anymore" I looked down "What? Why?" he asked "My dad told me that I will regret it if I saw you again" I let out a sob "I can't leave the house without supervision. And in a week my family are leaving for an event and my dad would be watching me. So I had to stay at the house until they are back which is why we can't see each other again" I let out a sigh.

"We can't let them tear up apart" he said "I'm sorry, but this is goodbye" I kiss his cheek "But..." "Please" I let out a sob as I lead him to the window again "Now leave before they find out" I said and he nodded before he crawl out of the window.

"Goodbye Five, be safe" I closed the window before I turned around as tears was falling from my eyes.


It was now the day where my family would be leaving, I have not heard from Five for that whole week. So I guess he accepted it.

"Stay safe you two" I pulled away from hugging Jackie and Sloane "And you stay safe too" they said "I will" I nodded "It's a shame that you can't go with us" Jackie said "Well, that is my punishment. And it's my own fault, but have fun without me" I said and they nodded.

"Come on children" our dad said and the two turned around before leaving the Academy. 

My dad's cold eyes landed on me "Remember the rules" he said and I nodded.

He then turned around before leaving, closing the door and I was all alone in the Academy.

I let out a sigh before going up the stairs, I noticed that the cameras was watching me. The only place where there was no cameras was my bedroom so that's where I went.

I walked into my bedroom but then I froze.

"How the hell did you get in here?" my eyes widened a bit when I saw Five standing in my bedroom.

"The front door is well guarded with security camera and so are all the windows" Five said as he was holding a flower of bouquet in his hand "But your window was not. So you should lock them next time" he said.

"I thought I told you that we couldn't---" "Yeah, but I'm stubborn and I missed you. Beside I'm not letting our families being enemies keep us apart" he said and I let out a small smile as I walked over to him. 

"I spend hours on these" he offeret me the bouquet.

I raise an eyebrow before I gave them back to him. "Don't do that again" I said before walking over to my desk chair. 

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now