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After I was discharged from the hospital, I decided that it was for the best to find another hotel and we did. And it was way better than the other hotel. More expensive but better.

It was a really top classic hotel, where each floor had two huge Suites. One on the left and one on the right.

In the suite was there a small kitchen, a living room, bathroom, a balcony, a small library, and a bedroom, it was like a small house.

Both Five and I eat dinner at the lobby, many eyes on us and people were taking photos.

They probably did it because we were in the edge of the Sparrows' territory which mean here I was famous and people were probably wondering why me Y/n Hargreeves from the Sparrows was having dinner with an Umbrella. But both Five and I didn't care. We just ignore them and enjoy each other's presence.



The next two weeks, Y/n and Five lived together in the suite. Two or three times at week, Y/n would wake up with breakfast in bed that Five had made. They would even make dinner together, Y/n was a little better in cooking than Five was. 

They were both surprised in how good it felt having each other around, waking up next to each other every morning, eating together, talking to one another, see, hear, smell and feel each other every day, all day, cuddling, holding hands, kissing, making love to each together. 

Five never thought that he could actually be happy again with someone. It wasn't in his nature, but after meeting Y/n and after she told him some part of her painful past, he couldn't help but be a little overprotective. He haven't expected that from himself, but she had an effect on him. For her, he would die before he let anything happen to her.

They even created their own little routine. Five would drop her off and pick her up at her Academy so she could also hang out with Sloane and Jackie who were near her all the time at the Academy to keep her safe. Not Ben or Regnar even got close to her, not that they tried.

Y/n and Five would eat every meal together and get to know more about each other. It was just two weeks, but Five got so attached to her that he couldn't imagine a day without seeing her. She was his new favorite addiction, an addiction he desperately needed. An addiction he couldn't live without.

There was a few days when Five had to leave her alone for some time to take care of family-related stuff. And considering his profession and her identity, and the mission that Five drop out on, he knew that his dad still wanted to hurt her. It was too dangerous to let her tag along. Therefore he made sure that she was either with Jackie or Sloane or them both. There he was sure that she was safe and with someone that would protect her.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now