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Ben walked down to the gym where the others was sitting and eating.

"Does anyone know where Y/n is?" he asked "She is in her room. She don't want to eat" Jackie said "What's up with her lately. She is so moody" Jayme said "Maybe it's her time of the month" Alphonso said.

"Well, she were with the enemies, hanging out with them" Fei said "Does she not know how this works?" Jayme asked "Maybe the way we treat her is driving her away. Y/n is one of the best and you're all gonna push her over the edge" Jackie said "Who cares! She can have those pathetic Umbrellas" Jayme said "No. Y/n is not leaving us. I'm not gonna to allow her to do that" Ben said.

"So, what are we gonna do about the whole 'Y/n' problem?" Fei asked Ben "What do you mean?" he asked "I think she is gonna leave and maybe join the others" Fei said before looking at Ben "What are you gonna do about it?" she asked.

"Nothing" he said before he looked at Fei "Don't worry. Y/n isn't gonna leave if she think she belong here" Ben said "But she don't. We all know that" Fei said "She does belong with us, Fei, and if she feel she belong, she won't leave" he said "Why don't we just let her leave if she wanna leave so badly?" Fei asked "We can't give the enemies the satisfaction of stealing one of our own" Marcus said "He is right" Ben said "You have a soft spot for Y/n. If she wanna leave, I say let her" Fei said "I'm dealing with it, Fei. Not you" Ben said.

Sloane rolled her eyes before she put some food on a plate and put the plate on a small tray together with a glass of juice. She grabbed the tray before her and Jackie left the gym. 



I was sitting on my bed when the door opened and I saw Jackie and Sloane enter with Jackie holding a tray with some food.

"Lunch?" they ask "Thanks guys, I was actually hungry but I didn't want to go down there now that the others know that I have being hanging out with the enemy" I let out a sigh "Well, they are not happy about it" Sloane said "Well, at least they don't know that you're sleeping with the enemy, 'cause that would be a disaster" Jackie said "Yeah. I can't even imagine how they would react if they find out" I said "One word. Pissed" Jackie said and I nodded "I know they are not happy about me hanging with the enemy, they have try to kinda force me out of this, saying that this is all part of The Umbrella's plan. Getting info out of me" I let out a sigh.

"Do you guys think that?" I asked as I looked up at them "Well, I don't think you should judge people for what you hear about them" Jackie said "Are you sure that this is what you want and do you feel like you can trust him?" Sloane asked "Well the problem is that I saw a picture of him enter and exit his Academy, so I actually don't know" I said "Well, maybe there is an explanation, maybe he was there to see his siblings" she said "Yeah, maybe but I'm more scared in what dad will say when he return, 'cause I know that Ben is gonna tell him" I said "Dad will be furious" Jackie said "Which is why I'm gonna enjoy it for as long as I can" I said "Well, we can see how happy that Five guy make you, and that's enough for us" Jackie said and I smiled "I'm happy that I have you two. I love you guys" I said "We love you too" they said before they hugged me.

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