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The next day every station was airing the news about my family's event.

I walked out of my bedroom as I butted up my black blazer while I approached the living room hearing the sound of a lady on the news. I heard my last name mentioned. They probably knew that I was making an appearance with Y/n, the daughter of Regnar Hargreeves and Number Zero of The Sparrows, my family's enemy and rivals.

I looked at my wrist watch. It had being an hour since Y/n locked herself in one of the bedrooms to get ready. I suggest to hire a stylist but she refuse. I knew this evening was going to be unique.

I have not told anyone about my plan. I couldn't let the wrong ears hear it. Growing up in the Umbrella, you take every possible precaution. And after also spending some time in the Commission. I learn that you are never safe. Not as long as people like my dad is alive.

Then a door behind me opened and I turned around to see Y/n walk out. My whole body froze when I saw her while my eyes grew wide.

She was wearing a full-sparking green dress and her hair was in a ponytail and bright blue earrings, just like the day at the club where we met for real.

I was mesmerized by her beauty and I will make sure to keep the men at distance. I was gonna guard her with my life.

I didn't care about anything at the moment. My eyes had automatically and purposely blurred her surroundings to keep my attention solely on her.

For me, Y/n was so beautiful and I never knew what actually love was before I fell for her.

Looking at her and I knew that I had made the right choice. Y/n was the one I wanted to spend forever and a day with. She was the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Always.

"So how do I look?" she asked but I didn't answer her, I was too mesmerized in her beauty.

"Cat got your tongue?" she asked as a smile appeared on her face "You....look....That dress...." I said while stuttering not being able to find the right words "I hope the ending to those sentences are good" she smiled and I chuckled "Do I look okay?" she asked "I think I understand now the different between pretty and beautiful" I said and she smiled.

"Is it just me or is it getting hot in here?" I asked as I walked towards Y/n with a big smile and loving eyes.

"Forget it Five. This took an hour. I'm not letting you ruin my look. You can ruin it after" she said "You know me too well" I smiled and she nodded.

"You look like an angel" I said "Thanks you. You look handsome as well too" she said "Well, we better get going, if we stay here any longer, I might rip that dress off you to show you how much you mean to me and how much I love you" I said and she smiled

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now