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After the dance, Five and I went back to our table and we started talking while just enjoying the event.

"Excuse me for a moment" Five suddenly said "You are excuse, just don't let me wait for too long" I said "Never" he said and he lay a kiss on my left hand before he got up and walk away while I was wondering where he was going.

I had a strange feeling in my body, like I was being watch, it was like my instinct told me that I should be extra careful tonight. And I choose to listen. I was far away from home and inside what you can call 'The lion's dent' so I better be careful.

I got up before I walked over to the bar and asking for a glass with champagne.

"Excuse me miss" a voice said which 'cause me to turn around and I saw a woman with her black hair sat up.

"I'm Clem and I'm a psychic. And would you like to know about your future?" she asked.

I didn't really believe in that stuff, but it could be fun.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt" I said "May I have your hands" she said and I nodded as I put my hands in hers.

Clem closed her eyes as she rub her fingers around on my knuckles.

"I see a thrilling time in your near future. Something unexpected will happen tonight. It's usher in the dawn of a new year in your life. You are gonna carry a big secret in the future. I see farness approaching you. A storm, a devastating hurricane. A new life. A second chance. You will face some heartbreak, pain and betray. Sometimes the people you love the most are the one that will be breaking your heart and the one that might destroy you. But in the end love will always win. I see a new life overlapping with death" she said.

I took my hands away from her, looking at her with anger in my eyes. That's not what I expected to hear. It was supposed to be fun, not scared. This only got me more nervous. "That's enough" I said before I grabbed my glass with champagne that was handed to me and I walked back to my table before sitting down, running my fingers through my hair. Thinking about what that psychic said, I never believe in that stuff so it was weird that I was actually a little nervous in what she told me.

"Good evening Miss Y/n" a voice said and I turned around to see Diego standing behind me with a glass of champagne in his hand.

"Diego. There you are. I was wonder where you were" I said before I got up and I put my hand towards him to greet him.

He smiled before he shook my had but a weird child swept the length of my spine as a sly smile was on his face.

"We meet again" I said "We do. I didn't think you or your family would come" he said "Well, I doubt that my family would come, but here we are" I said.

"Diego" Five said as he approached us again. And as soon as he was next to me, he put an arm around my waist. Being near Five again made me feel safe, letting all my fear disappear. He was my safe and happy place.

"Where have you being? You were not with the others when they greeted us. Did you just arrive here?" Five asked "Yeah, I had to do some things before I arrived" Diego smiled this time in a more polite way "I'll leave the two of you alone, enjoy the evening. It was good seeing you again, Y/n. Hope you will have an amazing evening" he said "Nice to see you too Diego" I said. Diego nodded before he turned around and walked away.

"He don't like me, right " I said as I turned to Five who clenched his jaw, letting out a quite sigh. He didn't have to say anything because I already knew that answer to that question.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now