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We entered my mansion and Y/n scanned the place. "So you live here alone?" she asked "Yeah, got tired of my siblings, beside I value my privacy" I said and she nodded.

"Want something to drink?" I asked, admiring her angelic beauty.

"A drink sound find" she said and I nodded. Great now my plan will start working.

As I lead her to the kitchen, I kept wonder if this was good idea and how the hell was I supposed to stick to the plan?

I grabbed a bottle of vodka and two glass as Y/n sat down by the kitchen table.   

"So" I started as I poured some vodka down in mine and hers glass before I slid the glass over to her.

"Did you have fun?" I asked "I did actually, thank you for that" she said "You're welcome" I said "Why did you even take me there" she took a sip of her glass "Well, I think that you deserve to had some fun" I also took a sip of the drink.     

"So you are banded too" she said "What?" I asked "Your Umbrella tattoo" she pointed on my umbrella tattoo on my left wrist "If you are not a member of them anymore, why do you still have it?" she asked.


"Well, I think I must have forgotten all about it and I haven't had the time to remove it, beside it does remind me that I still have a family, and I'm still part of it and it sometimes remind me of the few happy memories I had with my siblings when our dad was not around" I explain "So you have an asshole dad too?" she asked and I nodded.

"Well, cheers to that" she said "Cheers" I said as we cheered our glass before we took a sip.

We then continue talking as we kept drinking.

I have actually not expected Y/n that she would run away from a club with me, Five Hargreeves. An enemy to her family. I had expected her too puffed up with her own vanity. But instead I met a fragile woman full of fear and pain in her eyes.

The pain she so desperately tried to hide. That made me wonder, what was going on behind the closed door of the Sparrow family's Academy. Maybe the same things that happen behind close door of my family.

I could see in her eyes that there was something that she was hiding, her eyes may be beautiful, but there was pain underneath, pain that she was too scared to let out.

I then noticed some almost invisible scars on her wrists, some look old and some look new. Something painful is going on. She is in pain and I could feel it.

A part of me just wanted to wrapped my arms around and pull her closer telling her to let out all the pain and I would help her pick up her pieces. 

"You know" her voice made me snap out of my thought.    

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now