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Sloane was helping me with the dress. Even so I have a picture of my dream wedding but that was never going to happen. I told Ben I just wanted it simple. No big wedding dress. Just a small wedding. Regnar would be the one walking me down the aisle but that would first be later. Right now there was a get together. My siblings have invited all of their friends. Even reporters was there. The guests would all be wearing masks to cover their face, that was my idea. I have always wanted a mask party and I was able to convince Ben and my dad in having one at the wedding.  

But there was also guards and every guest have to have an invitation, just in case someone decided to crash the wedding. The only person I was hoping would crash this wedding was Five, but I told him to never show his face here, so that was never going to happen.  

"You look beautiful" Sloane said and I looked down at my white wedding dress. I had a white mask on that was covered my skin around my eyes and it covered my nose, but you could still see my eyes.

"Thanks" I said before letting out a sigh "Smile, it's your wedding day" she said "We both know that I'm marrying the wrong man" we both sigh "I know that you still love him, but he lied to you, he used you all this time" Sloane said "I think it was only in the beginning but I knew what he felt for me was real, and no matter how hard I try I just can't foget him. And I'm doing this to forget him but also because I promise dad, Five would be safe" I said "So you would trade your own happiness for his life" Sloane said and I nodded.

"You still love him?" she asked and I nodded again "Even so he hurt me, I can't get him out of my head" I sob "Sis" Sloane wrapped her arms around me "Why does life have to be this hard?" I sob "I don't know, but we can't go through life without going through some pain" she said as she comforted me.



Lucky the wedding party was a mask ball so I could easily blend in. I was wearing a black tailored suit over a slightly unburned black suit in an all black tie while wearing a black mask that covered the area around my eyes. Lucky Jackie have giving me an extra invitation. Told everyone that I was a old friend who had come to town for the wedding.  

"Wyatt Jackson" I handed the man the invitation while I looked straight into his eyes who nodded as he took the invitation before searching for the name "Welcome Mr. Jackson. Have an good evening sir" he said and I nodded.

There was a live band playing classical music in the background as I enter the Sparrows Hargreeves' residence. I looked around trying to scan the crowd of people.

Then the whole room felt silent and everyone gasped. I looked up and my eyes widened when I saw Y/n and her accompanied by her soon-to-be husband. She looked beautiful. Breathtaking. She had a beautiful white mask on that covered the area around her eyes and she was wearing a beautiful white dress. She look like an angel.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now