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We arrived at the hospital and thanks to Jackie who told me what hospital and what room Y/n was in. I ran through the walkways, passing through people who heads turned to me, with a confused look on their face. But I didn't care. I was only worried about Y/n.

I arrived at the room and I stopped when I saw who else was there.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I hissed as I looked at Ben who was standing in front of me.

I looked around to see the rest of Y/n's siblings standing by the door that lead to Y/n's room. All of them gave me weird looks.

Jackie walked past me and over to stand next to Sloane

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I looked at Ben who was standing with his arm crossed "I came to see my girlfriend and future wife-to-be" he replied and I scoffed.

He really does live in a fantasy world. 

"You're off the wall buddy. She's not your girlfriend anymore, and she will never be your wife" I said.

She will be mine one day. I hope. 

Ben clenched his jaw as he narrowed his eyes at me to scare me away, but he could drop that. I was not scared of him. I can take him down in a matter of seconds.

"But she is my girlfriend and she will be my fiancé and wife one day" I said as I tilted my head slightly.

"What the hell did you say?" he asked as he moved closer to me "You're a pain in my ass" I said before I walked past him.

I didn't have time for dealing with his shit. I need to see Y/n.

But as I was only a few steps from the door, my path was blocked by Regnar, guarding the way to the door that lead to the room Y/n was in, looking at me like an enemy they had to get rid off. And in their eyes I was the enemy.

There must be a reason why they have not tried to get rid of me by now, maybe they had a feeling that you shouldn't underestimate me, and you shouldn't. Beside they knew that I was part of the Umbrella Academy who was just as strong as the Sparrows, which might the reason why they were so careful.

"Please, step aside old man" I said as I looked up at Regnar "Stay away from my daughter" he said.

I just rolled my eyes "Okay, screw this" I said before I blinked behind him, so there was nothing between me and the door to Y/n's room.

Ben was about to made his move towards me but both Jackie and Sloane held him back "Don't Ben" they said.

Ben glanced back at me "One day I'm gonna ruin you. I'm gonna break you. I'm gonna defeat you" he hissed and I looked over my shoulder to look at him.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now