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A week later, Five and I was back in New York. And Five's siblings actually called him and invited us to another family dinner at The Umbrella Academy. Five was not please about it. But if we were gonna spend the rest of our life together, get marry one day, we better spend time with our families and since my dad kinda kick me out of the family. I wanted to be part of Five's family even so most of them didn't like me.

We were now sitting by the high-end wooden table in the Umbrella Academy.

I squeezed Five's hand and he smiled at me. The atmosphere was tense. I sometimes caught Diego sending me a sinister gaze several times, but it wasn't that which made me feel uneasy, it was racking my brain wondering what his issue and problem was. He was actually just like my dad, maybe even worse, I would say he remind me a bit about Ben. Everytime I spoke, he would scoff or mock me. He looked at me as if I was his worst nightmare. I know that I belong to that family they saw as enemies. But he could at least try, I have tried my best in showing that I'm not like my family.

"Well, I suppose we should congratulate you on your pre-engagement" Luther said "You've got to be kidding me" Diego snapped, drawing everyone's attention to him "Are we seriously going to play a happy family now? With her?" he said as he looked at me while pointing his finger at me, furrowing his brows his eyes filled with hatred.

"Watch your mouth" Five hissed at his brother "Or what?" Diego asked "Diego" Allison said "Okay, let's all try to calm down" Viktor said "No, don't try to shut me up!" Diego snapped.

"Let's face the truth. If I brought the other Hargreeves home, you would all bury we alive. Kick me out of the family. I mean you would do it if I brought Lila home with me, who tried to kill us all" he said.

"Other Hargreeves?" Five scoffed "Y/n is so much more than that. Don't define her by her last name or by where she comes from or who her family is" he said as he clenched his fist "Just like you did with Lila" he said and Diego looked at him "What is that suppost to mean?" he asked "Don't say you have forgotten that you tried to stop me from killing Lila and you accepted her, told her that she could become part of our family without the whole family's vote and permission and without us discussing about it, even so she was the daughter of The Handler who together with her, tried to kill us all, actually she did kill us all, but then I rewind time, saving all of you guys for the third time" Five hissed.

"That was different" Diego said "Yeah it was, for compare to Lila. Y/n didn't try to kill us all. So if you were ready to welcome Lila into the family after what she did and who her parents are, then you should also welcome Y/n into the family" Five pointed on Diego.

"So welcome Y/n into the family, just like you were all ready to do with Lila, no matter who she was. Who her parents or family is. Or what her last name was" he said.  

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now