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I decided to stay at the hotel for the night, Five stayed with me for a few hours until he was sure I was better. He then left and I spend the rest of the evening with Sloane while Jackie was keeping Ben and dad away.

The sun woke me up and I let out a yawn as I sat up while I stretched my arms out to the side. I felt different today, I felt stronger not so broken or a mess, a scared little deer scared of her dad. And I could thanks it all to Five. He have made me stronger, as long as I had him, I would be strong.

"You're up" I looked towards the voice to see Sloane "I'm up" I said "Well, you look a lot better" she said "Yeah, I feel better too" I nodded with a smile "Well, come. Jackie is waiting down in the lobby so we can eat some breakfast" Sloane said and I smiled before I got up.


After taken a shower and changing clothes I walked down to the lobby to eat breakfast with Sloane and Jackie.

"So any plans for today?" Jackie asked as he took a sip of his juice "Well, I have plan in going to the event" I said "Well, we actually also want to go" Sloane said and I looked at them "Really?" I asked and they nodded "Yeah, we actually also want to meet those Umbrellas and see if they are just like Five" Jackie said "What about dad?" I asked "We will try to convince him" Jackie said.

Then my phone started buzzing and I rolled my eyes when I saw that Ben was trying to call me "Jesus, he never going to leave me alone" I declined his call.

"Ben again?" Sloane asked and I nodded "This is the fifth time he has called and I'm not counting the times he called last night" I said.

"Ben's ego is big, he is use to get what he want, so he can't really accept that you don't want anything to do with him" Jackie said "Well, I don't know what to do to let him know that I don't love him anymore and that I love someone else now" I said "Maybe marrying that guy you love, marrying Five" Sloane suggested which 'cause the two of us to look at her.

"What?" I asked and Sloane raise a brow "No" I shook my head "Why not, you love each other" Sloane said "Yeah, but it's way too early, I mean we have only being dating for almost two months and know each other for four. Yeah I feel like I have know him my whole life, but I still think it's way too early" I said.

"But you can see yourself marry to him, right?" Jackie asked "Yeah, I mean I can see myself having a future with Five, but it's way too early and I know that he think it too. I mean I don't even think he see and plan that far into the future and also with everything going on. It's bad" I said "But you want to marry Five, right?" Sloane asked.

I thought for a moment as I could actually picture myself walking down the aisle in my wedding dress towards Five. I could see us live together, grow old together, spend the rest of our life together, maybe even have a family of our own. I could actually see that.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now