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"That's was all for the training today" our trainer said and we all bowed to him before we walked over to grab our gym bag.

I grabbed my gym back before I walked towards the exit "Y/n wait" Ben's voice made me rolled my eyes before I turned around to see him approached me. 

"What?" I asked a little annoying "I was thinking if you wanted to go out with me tonight?" his voice was soft and kind. Like he was trying to act all nice. I think he only did it because I told him that Five was nice and caring so he think that maybe if acted like that, I would hang out with him instead.

But he can drop that beside Five was sneaking in here later.

"Actually I'm pretty tired, so Sloane, Jackie and I are just gonna hang out in my room, after I have taken a nap. I didn't slept well, last night" I lied "And you are not only saying this so you can hang out with that Five guy again" his voice was now annoying.

I knew he couldn't keep that act for too long.

"Actually Ben" Sloane and Jackie walked over to us "Y/n have plans with us" Jackie said "What are you guys planning in doing?" Ben asked "Just hanging out, talking and stuff in Y/n's room" Jackie said and Ben glanced at the two before he look back at me "I'm sorry Ben, maybe another time" I said. Trying to sound like I was actually sorry and I wanted to go out with him one day. But it was only to get him off my back.

Ben looked back at me "Really?" he asked and I nodded "Well, then have fun" he then grab his gym back and left.

As soon as he was gone Jackie and Sloane looked back at me "Girl, I thought you were done with Ben" Jackie said "I am. But I only said that to get him off my back" I said before I looked at them "Thanks for covering for me" I said "You're welcome. Always" they said.


After taking a quick shower I changed closed and just as the clock hit four thirty, I heard the sound of a tiny rock being thrown at my window.

I turned around to see Five standing just outside the window which mean that he have crawl all the way up the fire escape.

A smile appeared on my face as I walked over to the window before I opened it "Hey there Juliet" he looked up at me with a lovestruck look and smile and I let out the same lovestruck smile.

Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself
When nobody else can help

"How did you get up here?" I asked "I climbed" he replied "Beside I have climbed up and down on a fire escape before. Back when I lived in the Academy" I moved to the side so he could get inside.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now