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I woke up to the birds singing right out the bedroom window. Five and I decided to spend the rest of the night together, so after the date, we went back to his mansion, where we watch some TV while cuddling on the couch. We watch the news where they showed pictures of Five and I walking down the street together. 

'Is Y/n Hargreeves from the Sparrows and Five Hargreeves from the Umbrella dating? Has the rivalry and war stop between the two teams? Or is this all just a trick? Are they the new Romeo and Juliet?' was the headline.

It was a little annoying, now everyone knew about us, but maybe I shouldn't care about that. As long as I am happy, I don't care what others think. 

The smell of breakfast instantly filled the air which really woke me from sleep.

The moment I finished rubbing my eyes I saw Five standing in the doorway, already dress for the day with a breakfast tray in his hands.

"Morning Love. Made you some breakfast" he smiled as he placed the tray careful on the bed "Aww thank you, I love it" I smiled before kissing his lips.

"Added just the right amount of cream and suger to the coffee, just the way you also like it. Thought it was better than black coffee all the time" he smiled "You know me like the back of my head" I chuckled softly before I took a bite from one of the croissants.

He took a seat next to me and we took turns feeding each other some of the strawberries, sharing kisses in between. I wish this day would never end.


After breakfast we went for a walk near the sea not long from the mansion. Five grabbed my hand before he spin me around.

It was nice, I felt free, I felt like I was home. But I knew sooner or later I had to face reality. I knew that if I stayed away from home longer my dad would report me mission and also I didn't want to feel like a burden to Five plus I was still scared that my family would hurt Five.

"How can you like that?" I asked as we were sitting by the kitchen table, eating lunch. Five as eating peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches.

"I don't know. I think I never grow out of it" he said "You are so weird sometimes" I shook my head lightly "Klaus is the only weird one in my family" he said "You know, I actually want to meet your family one day. Like for real" I said and he looked at me "You will?" he asked and I nodded "Yeah, for real, not the way I first met them, but real" I said "Well, we can do that when we go to the event" he said before he took a sip of his water "But I gotta warn you they are a bit weird, and some of them might not like you" he said "I know. Most of my family don't like you so..." I said "But Klaus actually already like you" he said "Yeah, he seemed nice" I said.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now