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I actually didn't think that it would be that easy to get close to Y/n. But it was actually easier than I thought it would be. But I knew that she didn't trust me at all, I could feel it.

When I knew that we were far away enough from the club she suddenly let go of my hand which 'cause me to stop and I turned to see her looking at me.

"Okay, I'm not going further until you tell me why you are here? And why you wanted me to come with you" she said "Well, I could see that you were bored so I wanted to take you to a place that is fun" I said "And where is that?" she asked "Well, I don't know this part of the city very well, so how about you come up with something" I said "Really, is that how you tell most people, you are really bad at this" she scoffed "Well, everything must be more fun than that club" I said and she raise a brow.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you" I said "Why are you doing this, Five?" she asked "What?" I asked "Playing a knight in shining armor. I don't need that. We both know who you are" she said "Am I a villain in your story?" I asked "No" she shook her head "I mean...we both know what we are to each other. Who our families are" she said "Who are we, Y/n?" I asked.

"You're Hargreeves, and so am I. Everyone know there's a running war and rivalry between our families. Our fathers would---" "I don't care, do you?" I asked.

Her eyes grew wide as she looked at me. 

"Why are you so scared of your dad?" I asked, setting my eyes on her "That's...not something that should concern you" she said "I don't know what happen between you and your dad, and I respect that you're not ready to tell me. But it's evident that you live your life in the shadow of fear and rules he set. That's not how it's supposed to be" I said and she raise a brow again.

"What do you know about that? You live the same rules" she said "Which is why I left" I said.      

"How do I know that this is not just a trick to get me to lower my guard and then kill me" she said "Listen, if I wanted to kill you, I would have done it already" I put my hands on cross in front of my chest.

'She is stubborn and spicy, my kind of woman'

'Wait, what am I saying, control your hormones. She is the enemy'

"Then kidnap me?" she asked "Why would I do that?" I raise my eyebrow "Maybe your dad send you to kidnap me, to get information" she said.

'She is good'

I chuckled "I already told you, I left The Umbrella Academy"

"Why?" she asked "I will tell you but only if you come up with something more fun to do than that lame club" I said.

I could see that she was thinking for a bit.


I didn't knew if I should trust him, I was raise and taught not to trust anyone from the Umbrella.

But I'm a person that don't judge people from what I hear about them. And I also want to know why there is war between our families and maybe Five know that and if the rumors that is about them here and what my dad told me and my siblings about them is really true I want to find out myself.

Beside if this Five guy try anything, I will snap his neck with just one move with my fingers and I think that he know that otherwise he will find out.

Then a place came to my mind.

"I have a place in mind" I said "Where is that?" he asked "I'm not gonna tell you, imagine if you suddenly contact your family, telling them where we are going and who you are with. And then when we arrived they will be ready to take me down. So no, you just have to follow me" I said before I turned around and took some steps forward but stopped when I noticed that Five was not following me.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now