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I opened my eyes to the sun shining through the window. Last night was one of the best nights in my life. Five saved me from Ben, he opened up to me and he told me he loved me. My whole body lighten up, knowing that him and I were together again.

I felt happy again, the light in me was back 'cause of what happy last night, he opened up for me but I haven't told him about me cutting myself. I have only told one time where I cut myself, but I have not told him that I did it not long ago. How I used to do it almost every day.

"You're up" a voice made me snap out of my thoughts and I looked toward the door to see Five standing with his hands in his pockets and his left shoulder rested against the door frame.

"Yeah, I'm up" I said "Good" he then blink away before he blink back a few seconds later, holding two cups of coffee.

"You must be happy over that you can do that now when I know" I said and he chuckled "It was a bit hard holding all of this back. But I'm glad you didn't look at me different" he walked over to me before he sat down next to me, giving me a cup.

"Well, it was a lot to take in, but I love you too much to made this change my feelings for you" we both chuckled  "Same with me" he smiled which 'cause me to smile as well. 

"Did you sleep well?" he asked "I slept wonderful" I said "Thank you for yesterday" he said "I'm saying thank you too" I said and we started drinking our coffee while talking and joking about stuff.


"By the way my dad are holding an event. And as a former member of the Umbrella and still part of the family, I have to be there" he said and I nodded.

"Then you have fun, I will be waiting for you" I said "Y/n" his raspy voice made me look at him "I want you to go with me" he said as a smirk curling up his lips "As my date" he said "Wait what?" I asked "I want you there. Be my date. Beside you are my girlfriend so it would be strange that you wouldn't be there" he said.

My eyes widened as turned to him, looking into his green eyes "But what about your family? What about mine? You know that my dad will never let me go, or will your family not be happy about it" I said "Actually my dad wanted to invite your dad and your whole family too" he said "What?" I asked confused while I raise a brow "You are joking right" I said "No. He told me himself. He think it was time to put all of this to a end" he said.  

"Your family hates my family. I mean we are rivals and enemies. What has change now? It is because of you or us?" I asked "Maybe" he said "Five...I don't think it's a good idea. I mean if we show up together, the press will know and we'll make the front page" I said.

"What is wrong if that happen?" he whispered as he leaned closer so that our lips were only inches apart "I dont care. Because as long as I have you by my side the world could be crumbling down and I wouldn't give a damn, another apocalypse can happen and I wouldn't care, as long as I'm with you and we're together. Us against the world" he said.

I grabbed his collar and pulled him in for a kiss. He put his hand on my cheek as he sunk deeper into the kiss.

I pulled away as I put my hand on his chest and I shook my head slightly before I grabbed the collar of his blazer again and pulled him towards me.

Five rolled towards me so he was on top of me before he put both of his hands beside my head and I smiled as I flipped him over so that he was under me. He smiled before we smashed our lips together again.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now