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My head was pounding and I could hardly swallow since my mouth and throat was so dry and my stomach was churning.

My head was hurting and I felt dizzy. 

It hurt when I opened my eyes which cause me to let out a grunt.

Then suddenly someone grabbed my hair before pulling my head back and I saw Ben "Good morning sleepy head" he chuckled before he let of my head causing it to fall down while I was trying to get use to the light.

"Y/n" I blinked a few times with my eyes as I came to my senses.

I was sitting on a chair in a dark small room, that was only light up by one single lamp that was hanging from the ceiling. 

My hands and leg were tied and my whole body hurting and sore but I was only worried for Y/n.

"Where is she?" I asked "She is away from you" a voice cause me to look over in a corner to see Regnar "So she is safe" he said "Listen you have me, just let her go" I said "Why would I do that? She is my daughter, she belong here, what is it that you don't get?" Regnar asked.

I tried to get free but I couldn't "There is no use. I have put something in your body so you can't use your powers for a few hours, plus that bracelet you have around your left wrist" Regnar said and I looked down at my left wrist to see a leather brown bracelet "It does so as long as you have it on, you are powerless" Regnar said and I looked back at him "My own little invention, I actually never thought I was going to use it, but it seems like I did" he said "You are not getting away from this" I hissed at him "Well" he step closer to me before he bend down so he was in eye lever with me "It seems like I am" he said with a smile.

"Warned you, didn't I. Told you not to challenge me" he said. 

But then I headbutted Regnar causing him to let out a grunt as he stumble backwards which cause Ben to punch me across the face, jolting my head to the side and I spit out some blood.

Ben then grab my hair again before he pulled my head back "That's gonna leave a mark" I hissed as I stared at Regnar who remove his hand to reveal blood dripping from his nose. 

"Little shit" Regnar wipe the blood off his nose "Want me to kill him dad? 'Cause I will enjoy that" Ben said "No. Him dead and we lose Y/n" Regnar looked at Ben before he looked back at me.

"I have a plan what to do now" he said before he looked back at Ben "Stay with him. I will let you know" he said and Ben nodded as he let go of me before he took some steps back.

Regnar then turned around before leaving and Ben walked up so he was standing in front of me.

"I really don't get what Y/n sees in you" Ben said.

"Do you really think that Y/n will love you again?" I asked "She love me. But then you came into her life, made her confuse. You are the problem here, messing with her head" he said.   

"Ben if you really love Y/n, let her be happy" I said "She is happy. She is happy here with her family, with me" Ben said "If you really care about her you would see that she is not happy here. If you really cared you would know her, but you don't, you---" "Either do you" Ben cut me off "You have know her for what four months, I have know for over 29 years, our whole life. I grow up with her. So I know her better than you" he said "No you don't" I shook my head "You only care about yourself, you don't see her" I said "You can drop that, I'm not letting you brainwash or manipulate me like you did with her. You turned her against her own family" he said "Your dad did that himself" I said "You better shut up before I break your arm" he hissed.

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