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I was walking back and forth in my mansion. It has being weeks since that night and I couldn't get the look Y/n had on her face when I strangle her out of my head. I hurt her. I hurt the woman I loved, I almost killed her because of my PTSD. And when she tried to help, I refuse and then I said something which I regret. I miss her so much already. It hurt not being with her.

Just again I thought by staying away from her would hurt less but it hurt more. I felt like the happy side of me was gone. 

My eyes widened before I stop.

What have I done? I might lose the woman I love because I'm too stubborn and scared to let out all my feelings, open up to her. But this was over. I'm gonna go back, tell her I love her and even going to tell her everything about myself and my family.

I grabbed my car keys before rushing out of my manison. 

I hope she will forgive me, give me a second chance.


It has being weeks since Five left and I have not heard from him since that night and I was actually worried. I tried to text him and call him but he didn't pick up or answered back.

I don't know what was wrong with him. I tried to help him but he refuse, he have being through something and I wanted to help him. 

Even so he have told me that this was not working out, I was not going to give up on him. I was going find him and talk to him. Letting him know it's okay. It hurt being away from him. I miss him so much, therefore I need to talk to him. I wanted to tell him, I was going to tell him that I love him.

"Well, who do we have here?" Ben's mocking tone was so annoying as he saw me walking down the stairs towards the front door.

"You are here. Did you miss me already sweetheart?" he tilted his head "In your dreams" I hissed at him. "What's with the mood. Did Five Hargreeves got bored with you yet?" he asked "Don't be such an asshole, Ben. We both hate each other right now, that is no secret, but we can at least respect each other, and be friends" I said "I don't want to be friends with someone who hangs out with the enemy" he said as he took a step closer to me.

"Fuck off Ben" I said as I push him out of my way before I walked towards the door.

"I love you" he called out to me which 'cause me to stop before I turned to face him "You don't love me, you never had, but you love the idea of me" I said "You are only with him to make me jealous, he is your fuckboy, just like you are his fuckgirl, nothing else. He will throw you away when he don't need you anymore and he is gonna break your heart" Ben said "No, he wouldn't" I shook my head before I turned around and as I was about to walk away I felt something wrap around my waist and my gaze went down to see that Ben's tentacles was wrapped around me.

I turned to look at him but he just smirked at me. With a blink of an eye he pulled me towards him.

"You should be mine, Y/n" he hissed before he looked at my lips as he brushed them with his thumb "You are mine" he said "I'm not yours, I have being lying to you Ben. I don't love you anymore, get that through your head" I said but he didn't listen. 

He grabbed my chin with his fingers so forcefully that it hurt. He moved his other hand to my waist, pressing me against him.

I tried to get free from his grip but without luck. He was too strong and everything was happening to fast.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now