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I don't know why but I stayed up all night, sitting on a chair next to the bed staring at Y/n who was fast asleep. I know, creepy.

But I felt like it was my responsibility to watch out for her. I don't know what was wrong with me. I could have just slept on the couch in the bedroom or taken the guest room. But I wanted to be there if now she got worse over the night. Beside it was best that I was near if now she suddenly woke up and started freaking out when she notice that she was in a strange place. 

I have noticed that her phone have being ringing like crazy therefore I put it on silence so it was just vibration so it didn't woke her up. 

Her phone went crazy the first three hours and I couldn't help but look to see that it was most Jackie and Sloane that was trying to come in contact with her asking where she was and if she was okay, that they were getting worried. 

Last time I looked at the time it was five in the morning before I could feel my eyes getting heavier so I decided to get up and make some coffee to keep me up.


I slowly woke up to the sun shining at my face.  

My head was pounding and I could hardly swallow since my mouth was so dry and my stomach was churning.

My head was hurting and I felt dizzy. Typical hangover.

Then I could feel the smell of fresh coffee so I tried to gather the strength to get off the bed but it was impossible.

Everything was so blurry, I didn't even knew where I was. Was I back at the Academy? How was I able to get home? 

Then I heard footsteps coming closer to me.  

"Here, drink this" a voice said as I saw a shadow appeared over me.

I opened my eyes to see a blurry figure came into focus, standing over me, holding a glass of water.

Was it Ben?

No, this figure look different, beside Ben would never do something like that.

Was I dreaming or hallucination? I was not surprise if I was.

"You will get better" the voice said. 

"Where am I?" I asked "At my mansion" the voice said and my eyes widened before I started freaking out "Don't be scared" the voice said and my vision became more clear and I saw that the figure was Five.

"Five?" I was confuse "Yeah, it's me" he said "How did I ended up here?" I asked before I let out a grunt "And why does my head hurt?" I asked "Drinking too much and some guy drug you" he said and I looked at him "Was it you?" I asked "No" he shook his head.

"Did I threw up?" I asked "It's okay. That guy must have giving you something, so it's only good that you threw up" he said "What did he gave me?" I asked "I think it's a drug rape pill of some kind. They put it in your drink and then you act all weird. Your vision and mind became blurry and you lose consciousness. Then they start to touch you and rape you without you being able to resist. And what worse is that you don't remember anything and the pill is out of your system after 24 hours" he said explain.

"That still doesn't explain how I ended up here?" I asked before my eyes widened and I look under the sheet.

I breath out in relief when I saw that I was wearing the same clothes I had on yesterday. 

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