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"I will handle it, just stay here" he said before he turned around and exit the kitchen to open the front door.

"What do you want?" I could hear Five hiss "What do you think?" my blood ran cold as I heard Ben's voice.

How in hell did he find me? And how did he knew where Five lived?

"I'm here for Y/n" Ben said "She doesn't want to see you" Five replied with an icy tone "Yeah, I don't believe that" Ben was about to step forward but Five stop him by putting an arm in front of him.

"Give me back my girlfriend" Ben hissed through clenched teeth. "Really, last time I check, she's not your girlfriend anymore. She broke up with you. Beside Y/n is not a object that people can take or give back. She is a woman that can do whatever she pleases" Five said with a calm voice.

"Very funny Hargreeves" Ben said sarcastic "Yeah, I know who you are. I knew that you seemed familiar" he said "The pleasure is all mine, Ben. Really" Five said "Listen boy, I'm not scared of you. The fact that you're also a Hargreeves too doesn't mean a damn thing to me. You are still the enemy and you always will be in my eyes" Ben said "I'm glad you don't see through the prism of my name. Yet. I'd advice you to be careful around me" Five moved closer to Ben and leaned to whispered something into his ear.

I couldn't hear what it was but Ben's face went pale and his eyes widened for a few seconds. I wasn't sure if it was because he spotted me watching them, half naked, only in my underwear in Five's house or because of what Five said to him.

"Y/N" Ben said as he looked at me, scanning me up and down "Why do you look like that?" he asked.

Then his eyes widened "Did you sleep with him? Did he rape you?" he hissed.

I didn't say anything as I froze "What the hell Y/n? Did you fuck him?" he shouted "So what? She is not your girlfriend anymore" Five said and Ben looked at him.

"You are such a hypocrite. When we were together, you always accused me of cheating and flirting with other woman while you're the one fucking another dude and not just any dude. Five Fucking Hargreeves, the enemy, behind my back. And you played the innocent" Ben push Five aside while he walked over to me.

"Don't you dare Ben. We are broken up, but it's like your tiny brain haven't realized that" I shouted at him.

"Beside is not cheating sleeping with someone else when you are broken up" I said.  

"You are just sleeping with him to make me jealous. You're such a wh----" "I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you" Five's deep voice rumbled from behind.

I turned to see Five gazing sinisterly at Ben.

"We're leaving now Y/n" Ben said "No. I'm not going anywhere with you. I'm staying here with Five" I said "We're leaving now" he said "No" I said "Ben, she doesn't want to go with you, get it asshole" Five said and Ben looked at him "What are you her boyfriend?" he asked "Actually I am" Five said and Ben's eyes widened before he looked at me.

"Is it true?" I could hear the pain in his voice and see it in his eyes. I know Ben is an asshole but a part of me still care for him therefore it was hard seeing him hurt. 

I just nodded.

"So not only are you hanging out with the enemy, you are also sleeping with him. Kissing him. Touching him. You are letting him kiss and touch you" Ben said aggressive.

"Jealous?" Five asked and Ben looked at him "You had your chance with her and you lost her" he said "She is nothing to you. You are just trying to get info out of her. Just like she is probably trying to you" Ben said "That's a lie. At least I care about her" Five said.    

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