39. I'M OUT

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I was sitting by the bed looking down on the floor while Y/n was fast asleep behind me the sheet covering her up.

Things were running around in my mind. I think it was time for me to tell my dad that I was out of this mission, even so I have being out for some time but I have to tell him. And then I was gonna confess Y/n the truth after. 'Cause I had a feeling that as soon as I tell dad I'm out. He would send Diego to tell Y/n the truth. But I was gonna tell her first. It's better it come from me and not someone else, it will only make it worse if the truth don't come from me. I just hope she wouldn't be that mad.

So therefore I grabbed my shirt and tie from the floor before taking them on.  

"Where are you going?" a tired voice said and I turned to see Y/n with her head rested on her right palm.

"I just need to do something real quick" I said as I put my shoes back on "Shall I go with you?" she asked "No, you stay here and rest. You need it" I said before I turned to face her.

"You know?" I asked "What?" she asked "I just know we're meant to be together, the energy we share is unique, it doesn't come around often, I've never felt as at home as I do with you. I've never laughed as much as I do when I'm with you. I've never felt such a genuine connection as I have with you. I never used to believe in soulmates, but now I do. My heart is with you my love, no matter where you roam. Distance don't erase our love, or the memories of our home" I said "You're my home" she said "And you're mine" I said.

"I'm sorry if I'll annoy you or are too clingy, but the truth is, you are the first person that has made me feel this way before I finally found someone who brings so much piece and joy. I don't need anyone else but you, your love, time attention, and care matter so much to me. You mean the world to me and I'm always going to be here loving you" she said "Well you are without a doubt the most wonderful thing in my life. I never dreamed I could feel about someone the way I feel about you. You're amazing, sweet, kind, and caring and I love you more every day. I can't imanged a day without you and I vow to make you feel as speciel as you make me feel. Thank you for making me the happiest person alive" I said "You are making me the happiest person alive" she smiled before kissing me.

I wrapped my arms around her while she wrapped her arms around my throat.

I then brought my face closer to hers enough so that my forehead was against hers.

Sometimes it felt like we were opposing forces and sometimes we felt as if it was the only two of us in the world.

Y/n's felt my breath on her face. She smiled before pressing her lips against mine as she brought her other hand to touch mine. I nuzzle in closer to her, dangerously close to her, and she already knew what was going to happen if she didn't stop me.

We pulled away and I rested my forehead against hers "I can't wait to start a new chapter and live a life with you" she said "Me either. I know that it will be wonderful" I said "I love you, always" you said "I love you too, always" I said with a smile.

I really hope that I could live a happy life with Y/n.

"I'm scared that all of this is a dream and when I wake up I'm back in my nightmare" she said "It's not a dream and I promise you, nothing is gonna happen to you. I would sacrifice the world to keep you safe, okay" I said as I had her face in my hands and she nodded as I lay a kiss on a forehead.    

"Why don't you let the people see the good in you?" she asked "I do, but it's like that no one sees it, you are the only that really does, which is one of the reason I fell in love with you" I said and she smiled.

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