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"Well, I need to go now" she said "Let me drive you" I said as I put down my mug "No" she said "Why?" I asked "'Cause they would think you kidnap me and I know that reporters are all around and if they see me stepping out of a car with you behind the wheel, people would think crazy things" she said "Well, how about I just drop off just around the corner over on the other side of the street, therefore no one will think anything" I said "Well, since I'm in a hurry, then fine" she said "Then let's go" I said before I grabbed my carkeys.


It didn't take long before we arrived near The Sparrow Academy "Here you go, miss" I said "Thank you Five" she said "No problem" I said "No really, I mean it. Thank you so much. You are not like who I imagined you are" she said "I'm glad" I said.

Okay, one step closer.

She chuckled "What?" I asked "It's just, you are acting all nice. You are not how I imanged, how my dad told me you were" she asked "What does that mean?" I asked.

"Do you have a pen and a piece of paper here?" she asked and I raise a brow "Why?" I asked "Do you?" she asked "In the glove compartment" I said and she opened the glove compartment before pulling out a piece of paper and a pen.

She then started writing something down before she handed me the paper.

My eyes widened when I saw what she have writing.

"Is that----?" "Yeah, my phone number" she cut me off as she nodded with a small smile "What you did last night have proof that you are not who my dad says you are. And I actually trust you now" she said and I looked back at her.

"It's just if you want to hang out again. But for real this time, where we meet and just hang out" she said and it was like I could feel her blush a little bit, probably nervous and a little embarrassed.

"What do you think people would say about that?" I asked "I don't care what people think" she looked at me "But it's only if you want to" she said.

This is perfect, it's going after plan.

"Well, I would like to hang out more with you" I said and she smiled "Great, text me when you get back home" she said "I will, promise" I said as I lifted up the paper "Well, see you soon" she said "See you soon" I said and she smiled before stepping out of the car, closing the door behind her before walking around the corner.

I couldn't help but smile when I started the car again. I exhaled, a part of me feeling doubtful about my task. I hadn't expected for someone so dangerous as Y/n, to be so human.

I felt like a little kid on Christmas morning. It was like my whole body light up, knowing that I would see her again. And when I watch her leave I felt a part of my soul leaving too.

Why did my body light up like that? 

I let out a smile as I called my dad.

"Number Five" my dad said through the speaker "I have earn her trust" I said "Wonderful" he said "Yeah, so I think this will be over before we know it" I said "That's great, looking forward to get info, good job. Number Five" he said before he ended the call.

I couldn't help but smile as I drove back to the mansion. I have earn her trust. I think this is gonna be easier than I thought.


I quietly stepped into the Academy, making sure that every move I did was quite.

"NUMBR ZERO WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN" a voice cause me to jump a bit back.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now