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It was around six in the morning when I heard my alarm clock started ringing saying that it was time to wake up.

I let out a groan as I turned off my alarm on my clock that was standing on my nightstand. As soon as I have turn it off, I quickly check my phone to see if I have gotten any texts from Five, but there was nothing and then I realized that I didn't gave him my number so how can he text me if he didn't knew my number.

But on the other side, maybe it was a good idea that I didn't give him my number at that time, I mean I just met him and for all I know he is the enemy, yeah he have left The Umbrella Academy but he is still a part of the Umbrella family and they are still our enemy, so until he have earn my trust I better be careful in what I tells him and also not giving him my number just yet. 

I got out of bed before I changed into my daily clothes. I'm actually happy that my family don't need to wear our Sparrow uniform all the time. We are allow to wear normal clothes, the only time we are wearing our Sparrow suit is when we are on mission.

I put my hair up in a ponytail and rolled down my sleeve to cover my latest scars from last time I cut myself which was only a week ago.  

As I walked out my bedroom I could hear whispering from down stairs so I walked over to the top of the stairs to see Ben standing over by the front door with some woman.   

"Thanks for this loving evening" the woman viggled her brown hair with her finger "I can't believe that I spend the night with Ben Hargreeves" she smiled with a blush.

"Get use to it baby" Ben said "Call me" she said "I will" Ben said with a smile and the woman smiled back before she turned around and left as he closed the door.

Ben then turned around and his eyes widened when he saw me standing by the food of the stairs.

"So are you gonna call this one or is she like the rest?" I asked "What do you mean?" he raise a brow "Come on Ben, everyone knows that you sleep with a woman and then never call her again" I said "Are you jealous?" he asked "No. We broke up. You can sleep with whoever you want" I said "Well, don't worry Y/n, none of these women will compare to you. They mean nothing to me. And as soon as your off your little 'break' I will be waiting for you. And you can have all of this again" Ben said as he gestured to himself.

Only thinking about himself, he never change.

"You just keep sleeping with who ever you want Ben. I don't care" I said "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" he asked "Really, I thought you were so smart" I said sarcastically.  

"By the way, where were you last night?" Ben asked "What do you mean, I was at the club" I said "I noticed you leaving" he said "I got bored, so I went home and read a good book while listening to music. You can ask Sloane and Jackie" I turned my head away from him "We all know that they would always cover for you, beside I saw you leave with a guy" he said and I looked back at him.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now