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Five and I met every weekend and after training in secrets, we met at the café talking about different stuff. I told him a little bit about my family and he told me a little bit of his. It was like I was talking more but it was nice hanging out with him. He made me feel free and I love talking to him. I felt that I could trust him more than I could trust my siblings, except for Jackie and Sloane of course. 

Five was usually serious and void of humor, but there was time when I could get him to let his guard down and even get him to laugh or smile.


"It was fun" I said as Five and I stopped right around the corner across the street where the Sparrow Academy where "It was" he said "I think it's impressive that our families have not noticed anything" I giggled a bit "Well, my family have their heads so much up their asses that they don't notice the things that is happening around them, unless it is about them" he said "Well, my family only notice that I am gone when they need me. Jackie and Sloane are the only ones that know about this and I know that they would never say anything. I can count on them" I said "Well, I only met them one time and that was a week ago where they drop you off 'cause they have convince your dad that you were hanging out with them. But they seems nice" he said "They are. They are my best friends" I said with a smile.   

"Well, see you soon" I said "See you soon" he said and I turned around before I ran across the street.

When I got to the other side, I turned around and waved at him and he waved back. 


I entered the living room to see the other Sparrows near the fire place "Hey guys" I said and they all looked at me "Y/n. There you were" Sloane and Jackie said with a smile "Oh, hey Jack, hey Sloane" I said "We were getting worried" Sloane said "Sorry guys" I said.

"Here is some coffee" Jackie said as he handed me a mug with some coffee "Black?" I asked "Just like you like it" Jackie said and the two of us smiled to each other "Thank you" I said "No problem" he said with a smile before he sat down on the couch.

I took a sip of my coffee before I sat down on the couch next to Sloane and Jackie.

"So what have you guys being doing?" I asked as my eyes moved to each other them but they were all glancing at me.

"What?" I asked "Where were you?" Ben asked "Why do you want to know?" I asked "Just answer the question Y/n. Where were you?" Ben asked "I just went for a...run!" I answered "Well, that isn't what I saw" Ben said "Excuse me?" I asked as I furrowed my brows "Were you following me?" I asked "Well, I had to and I asked Fei to spy on you and she told me that she saw you with some guy" Ben said "I fucking knew it. Are you serious right now? I don't need you watching over me 24/7, Stalker" I said a little aggressive.

"And after she described the guy, I remember that it was the same guy you left the club with" Ben said "So what?" I asked. 

"What were you doing with him?" he asked "Nothing. He is a friend" I said "'A friend'?" Ben asked "Okay, so you can be friends with other women that's okay, but when I'm friends with another guys is wrong" I rolled my shoulder.

"He might be an enemy" Ben said "He is not. Beside that is what you think of everyone" I let out a sigh "He is actually nice" I said "That is what they want you to think and when you let your guard down, that's when they strike" Ben said "I don't believe that. Beside that is what you think of everyone" I said. 

"I don't want you to near a guy like that. I have a feeling that is the enemy. He is not good for you" Ben said "What do you know what is good for me?" I asked   

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