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I noticed the darkness in Five's eyes as he was driving the car. He's never been the type to show much affection but he'd never been so cold and distant either. I was wondering why his behavior changed all of a sudden.

It was the moment Diego changed the topic and him and Luther started asking me about my family, about their weakness and strength. I observed his face as if I was trying to spot a clue. A clue that would help me figure out if I had some meaning to his story. I had knew that both Diego and Luther had a reason for everything. I mean they were Number One and Two in the Umbrella, which mean they were their dad's right and left hand. Just like Marcus and Ben was my dad's right and left hand.

"What is it?" Five asked as his eyes were still on the road. I was surprised that he knew that I was watching without even looking in my direction to check. Maybe it's because of his assassins' skills.

"Why would you ask that?" I asked "'Cause I have noticed that you keep staring at me and not the loving way" he said.


"You can ask me if that makes you feel better" he said "Ask for what?" I asked. I was a little bit annoying that he could read me like an open book while I still couldn't figure him out.

"Whatever it is you want to ask. You can ask" he said "How do you know I want to ask you something?" I asked "You look like that whenever you have a question, but you don't know for sure if it's okay to ask" he replied, still not taking his eyes off the road.

"Do what?" I asked as I leaned back "You staring at me with a look without saying a word" he glanced at me with a small smile.

"It's like you are looking for clue. Beside my face also looks like that when I'm trying to figure out something" he said before he look back at the road.

"I'm just wondering why your dad was not here. And why Luther and Diego kept asking me those kind of questions" I said "They are just angry at your father, they blame him for our brother Sam's death who like I told you once was the kindest and caring of us, he was like the strongest glue that kept our family a family, so when he died..." I could see Five's face fell a bit when he mention his brother.

"Anyway, they hate your family. And my dad is an asshole, he is never there when we are having dinner" he said "I'm sorry, Five, about what happen to your brother. I shouldn't ha---" "It's okay" he cut me off "It's a heavy topic. And I don't want to talk about. I don't want to ruin the rest of the evening. The night is still young" he said as he gave me a small smile.

"I'm sorry if Diego and Luther made you uncomfortable, they are like that, they always have" Five said "Nothing that beats my family" I said "Just be careful around them, don't trust anything they say about me" he said "Why?" I asked "'Cause they are my dad's left and right hand, so most of the things they say is my dad's words but it's coming out of their mouth. So they might come up with lies about me, probably want to make you see me from a bad point of view, making you stop loving me, try to tear us apart" he said.

I put him hand on his knee which 'cause him to glance at me "Don't worry, I'm not going to listen to them. I know that they are trying to do the same that most of my family is trying to do, but we are not gonna let them. Nothing is going to tear us apart and nothing is going to stop me from loving you, I promise" I said and that 'cause him to smile. 

I smiled back at him and his face brightened up "What do you want to do when we get back?" I asked "Whatever you want" he said before he grabbed my hand as we drove back to the penthouse.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now