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I was actually excited in what surprise Five had in mind.

"Where are we even going?" I asked as I was looking out the window "You will see" his eyes not leaving the road.

"Are you kidnapping me?" I asked "Again with the whole kidnapping thing" he glanced at me "I already told you that I have left the Umbrella" he said "Yeah, but they are still your family" I said "True and I still see them sometimes, but I'm not part of their team anymore, I don't go on mission with them anymore, I don't take orders from my dad anymore, I don't go on mission for my dad anymore, I'm done with all of that" he glanced back at the road "Well, maybe all of this has being a trick to get me alone like this and then kidnap me" I said.


Damn she is good.

I glanced at her again and she chuckled "Relax, it's a joke" she giggled which cause a small smile to appear on my face "Beside you have prove that you are not who I think you are. You have earn my trust" she said.

Why did a part of me feel guilty and bad about all of this? I was acting around her, but why do a part of me feel bad?

I tried to shook away those feelings as I kept driving down the road.


The rest of the drive was silence, Y/n was just looking out the window while I had my eyes on the road, none of us talking.

But that was fine by me, since I was more focus on the road and my plan, that was about taking Y/n to the fairground, make sure she have fun, then talk her home and get her so drunk that she will tell me everything about her family, their weakness and if there is a place in the Academy where you can get in without being spotted.

If this goes after the plan, she will give me the rest of the info I need and I will have my body back before next month.

"Where are we even going since it's so far away from the city?" Y/n suddenly asked "I'm not gonna say, but I think you are gonna love it" I said as I kept my eyes on the road.

Why do a part of me just want to stop the car and crash my lips against hers?

Wait? Why are you thinking about that? Snap out of it Five. Control your hormones. You have one mission, so don't screw it up.


"We're here" Five said before he stopped the car and I noticed that he had park behind a small building but it was by a bridge and a lot of other cars was also park there.

"Here where?" I raise my brow in confusing.

"Okay, I need to blindfold you" I snapped my head at him "Excuse me. What?" I asked "It's part of the surprise" he said as he looked at me.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now