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My pre-engagement with Five Hargreeves got out fast. We were the hot headlines of every newspaper and even got labeled as Romeo and Juliet. 

I have never being happier in my entire life. Sloane and Jackie were actually the only ones that was allow to visit me at the suite where Five and I were still staying.

I felt like the rest of my family abandoned me only because I was chasing my happiness. But then again. I had my two best friends who was also my two closest siblings, and most important I had Five and they all made me feel like I was special. Five was my blessing, my savior, my hope, my happiness, my light and the thought that I was about to create a new life and chapter with Five, always made me happy.

"What are you doing?" Five asked as he walked out of the bedroom "Getting dress I'm gonna meet with Jackie and Sloane" I said "If you ask me, I like you most with nothing on" he teased.

"Five. You're unbelievable sometimes" I laugh. He put his hands on my waist from behind before he turned me around so I was facing him.

"Can you blame me?" he asked "You're beautiful. Just a glimpse of your practically blinds me. Seeing you everyday makes it worth it. How did I get so lucky?" his hand roamed to the back of my neck, his touch burning against my skin, and he connected his lips on mine, which made me blush while giving me butterflies.

With one swift move, he pushed my body to hit the wall behind me so I was trap. My whole body was aching for his touch.

But then suddenly my phone rang "It's probably Sloane or Jackie. I have to go" I said "They can wait" Five between the kisses he did on my neck. "Five, they are my best friends" I said "Well, you are mine now, and they just have to deal with it" he said.

"Well, you have to wait for it, pretty boy." I kissed Five's lips and he growled as I freed myself from his embrace. I cleaned my throat as I reached for my phone "It's Jackie, shit, they are already at the café waiting for me" I turned to look at Five who look disappointed.

"Are you going to leave me for them?" he asked "Yes" I chuckled "I'm gonna have some time with my best friends since I has not seeing them in weeks. This has to wait" I said "I can't wait for the day we get married. For our wedding night. Then we can be all alone" he said "First there? I mean we not even engaged yet" I said "Well, one day we will be. And then we can continue" he said "Not before?" I asked "Of course not. Maybe tonight" he said "You got yourself a deal" I winked.

"Let me drive you" he said "No you don't have to" I said "Well, I'm off to run some errands anyway, so I might well take you" he said "Fine" I said.


10 minutes later I arrived at the café to see Jackie and Sloane who turned to me as I stepped out of the car.

"Hey guys" I said "Y/N" they said before they wrapped their arms around me "We have missed you so much" Sloane said "I have missed you too" I said. It felt amazing to have them here with me after so many weeks. We stayed in constant touch, texting each other all the time, but it was nothing compared to see them. Even so our dad have banned my siblings from keeping in touch with me. We didn't care, we voice chat, voice messaged, texted or voice called each other every now and then, but it was wasn't the same. It couldn't compare seeing them face-to-face meeting.

IN LOVE WITH THE ENEMY (F.H x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now