Chapter 2: Tension

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"Your late" my maths teacher said as I walked in 30 minutes late

"Thanks Sherlock" I said

"Out!" She shouted

I shrugged, not missing the look from Alessia

I slammed the door and waited outside for the teacher to come out

The door opened and Alessia walked out of the room

"Alex, why are you late" she sighed

"You don't look like the teacher" I said

"Why you so moody" she said

"I'm not" I shrugged

"Okay then" she said walking off to the toilets

I walked the other way deciding that school wasn't for me today

I jumped the gate and walked home, knowing my mum was on holiday

I sat on my Xbox for most of the day

It was around 5 when I got a knock on my front door, I opened it to find Alessia

"Oh" I said

"Hello to you too" Alessia said coming in and making her way up to my bedroom, looking around at it

"Come here to have a noisy?" I said after walking into my room after her 

"No I've come to find out why you were so moody this morning and then jumped the gate" Alessia said sitting down on the end of my bed

"Can't you go and bother your boyfriend not me?" I said

"That! That is what I mean"

"I'm not leaving until I find out why" Alessia added

We sat in silence until I got a message

'Meet me at the park in 10' it read

"You've gotta to go" I said standing up and putting my shoes on


"I'm off to meet Emily" I said

"Her?" Alessia said as we walked to my front door

"Yeah what's wrong with her" I said closing my front door


"Good see you later" I said cutting through the little path to the park

"Hey" I said as I walked up to Emily pulling her into a hug

"Hey Alex" she said

We pulled away and started to walk into the woods in the park

"So why did I need to met you?" I asked

"Because" Emily said as she stopped walking

I stopped walking and look at her confused, she came closer to me and put her hand on my neck

She connected our lips, I pulled her closer and deepened the kiss

We pulled out

"What was that for" I said laughing slightly

"I like you" she said

"Really?" I said shocked

"Yes Alex" she said laughing, hugging my torso, she was quite small

"Do you want to go out" she asked nervously

I wrapped my arms around her

"Yes" I said smiling down at her

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