Chapter 21: Im not yours

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The house has been tense to say the least

I've been staying over at Olivia's house to give Alessia some time

I can't believe I did that, why am I so fucking stupid?

We could be sat together watching the sunrise and sunset snuggled up but no I ruined it by pushing her away in the worst possible way to then only release that I really really fucking needed her

I sighed as I walked through the front door after my morning run

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a drink, Alessia and Lotte in there

"Morning" I said

Lotte said morning but Alessia gave me a tight lipped smile

Like the smile I gave my dad at the funeral


I walked out of the room and went upstairs, grabbing a shower and then changing into fresh clothes

I was gonna stay over at Olivia's house tonight so packed a bag of clothes for hers

I ran downstairs and looked around for my charger

I went into the living room and started to look behind the tv

"What you looking for?" Alessia asked quietly, the first time she has actually spoken to me with out it being in a shouting way

"My charger, I can't find it" I said

"Have you checked the kitchen?" She asked sitting up from the sofa

I nodded with a hum and moved to the other sofa to see if it was behind it

"Your bag?" She asked

"Nah I've already checked, I'm packing because I'm staying somewhere else tonight anyways" I shrugged

Alessia's face turned to a more hurt look

As I wasn't paying attention and more focused on finding the charge I didn't really pay attention to her next question or the answer I gave

"Who's house"

"A girls house" I shrugged as I walked out of the room

I finally found my charge, which was in my bag... Alessia was always correct

I bolted downstairs with my bag on my back

"Im going, see you tomorrow" I shouted

I got two byes before walking out of the front door and over to Olivia's

"Right up you get" Olivia said as I sighed

She pulled me up from where I was laying on her bed

"Team dinner tonight, just go in that you look smart causal anyways" Olivia shrugged

I nodded before pulling my phone out and waiting for her finish getting ready

We finally arrived at the restaurant, the last two seats available were next to Alessia and then one next to ami

I knew that Olivia was gonna take the one next to ami so made my way over to Alessia

I said my hellos as I sat down before looking at the menu

I decided to test my boundaries with Alessia, see how destroyed we are and see where my starting point was with her

I pushed my leg against hers as we talked to different teammates

She didn't move her leg but I guess you wouldn't if it was your friend right?

We all got our starters and started to eat

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