Chapter 6: Falling Out

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It's been a couple weeks since my knee injury, Alessia has moved back into her house and mums been back for a week

I'm walking now but still not at the point where I can run

The school had a football match so Emily and I decided to go down and watch

It was quite cold so Emily was snuggled into me as we watched

The guilt just constantly seems to be there whenever I'm around Emily

"Russo just scored" Emily said up to me, bring me out of my thoughts

"She'll be bragging about that for weeks now" i said jokingly rolling my eyes

Emily laughed and continued to watch the game

"Alright" I heard someone say besides us

I looked across and saw Alessia's ex boyfriend

I went tense and I knew Emily could feel it

"Relax" she whispered

Be nice.

"Alright mate" I said acting like I liked him

"Just came down to watch less" he said making me feel sick... less?

"Yeah she's played decent so far" i nodded towards the pitch

"How are you Emily?" He asked

"Good Charles" that's the boys name

"I don't really come to school matches" he said as he watched the match

"I know" I whispered underneath my breath

"Don't" Emily whispered

"Yeah I haven't seen you at many actually" I said still slightly having a dig

"Normally I'd go to her arsenal match's, more interesting at least some of the girls at arsenal know how to play football"

Is he having a laugh? Some?

"What do you mean some?" I said about to lose my shit

"Well you watch them and you just question the standards, I mean arsenal academy and some of them can't even play a simple ball"

Utter bollocks

"Do we watch the same matches?" I asked, does he not know I play for them or something?

"What you go and watch them?" He asked, how dumb is he?

"I play for them idiot" rather have said dickhead but apparently I've got to keep my cool

"I mean your one of the good ones" he said

"But how do you know how good I am when you thought I went and watched them?" I asked, he's digging his self into a bigger and bigger ditch here

"Well I've seen you at school football games" utter bollocks again

"But you don't come to school matches" I laughed

He went quite...

"I'm gonna ask Alessia out again" he said

"Think she'll say yeah?" I asked

"Yeah, with already dated once and she seemed to enjoy going out with me"

"Utter bollocks" I whispered under my breath, Emily slapping me gently

"Yeah I agree she was" I said lying

So many times less came over to my house because she wasn't happy with her boyfriend or he wasn't given her what she wanted so she came to me instead...I'll just miss out those parts

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