Chapter 12: She's Back

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"Fucking 'ell" I said in a raspy voice

It was about 7 in the morning and someone was repeatedly knocking on our front door

I turned over and got out of Alessia's bed, grabbing my jumper and sliding it on

"Where you going" Alessia said tiredly

There was another knock at the door

"Someone keeps knocking on our door" i said walking out of her room

Alessia got up and stood at the top of the stairs to listen

I opened the door and saw Ava

"You alright Ava" I asked

"I was wondering if Alessia is in?" Ava asked

Whatever it was I wasn't about to let Ava go near Alessia

"Why do you need her?" I asked

"Just need help fixing this light bulb" Ava said

And you need Alessia for that because?

"Give me a sec I'll come and sort it for you, Alessia is still sleeping actually" i said shutting the door and running up stairs

"Why does she need me to change her lightbulb, I haven't got a clue how to" Alessia said as I reached the top

I shrugged and went into my room to grab my shoes, walking past Alessia I kissed her on the cheek and said I would be a few minutes

As I stepped out of the house it dawned on me that I had just kissed her on her cheek as if it was normal

I think the fact we are acting like we are dating is getting to me...

"Right let's go" I said

We walked to Ava's house which she shared with a few other teammates

I walked in and said morning to everyone before been taking to the lightbulb

All it needed was it to be replaced... I don't know how she couldn't do that on her own

I replaced it and then said my goodbyes and walked back to my house

I walked through the front door and went to the kitchen

"Morning you two" I said

"Where have you been" Lotte asked

"Did you not hear the knocking this morning" I asked shocked

"No" Lotte shrugged

"It was Ava she asked for Alessia to go and help with something at her house but i didn't really want Alessia going by herself so I said I would go" I shrugged opening the fridge

"Why did she want me for that" Alessia asked

"She likes you that's why" I shrugged

"Couldn't she have done that on her own" Alessia asked

I shrugged

The radio was on while I made myself some breakfast

"Can't tell if I like your singing with your accent" Alessia said laughing

"It's terrible please stop" Lotte teased

"Right since I'm not welcome here I'm off to have a shower while that cooks" I said

"You can't leave that cooking on its on" Lotte said

"Thanks" I shouted walking upstairs, knowing that one of them will have to watch it now

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