Authors note

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I hate writing chapters that don't resolve around the book because I think it makes the book look messy but I feel I have to

I also hate nagging people and I just want people to enjoy the book without having to read these, which might put them off the book. I don't normally address things like this and normal try to keep it joyful and ignore the negative messages and comments but like I said earlier I feel I need to

Another write stepped away from writing for a while because they got hate for writing about clubs or players and made them, for the story, look mean or be the bad person in the book

I recently got some messages and some comments calling me stupid and all sorts and telling me to delete chapter's because I had written about their club and made one of the characters rude, never named names because I'm sure most players are nice.

I take time out of my day to write chapters bc I enjoy seeing the enjoyment and funny comments people post on the book but when I and other writes get hate like that for silly reason over a completely made up book it makes us feel like why are we writing for this

We all have busy schedules, I'm going into my gcse season soon and will find it very hard to make time in between school and football to post so when I see hate it makes me want to stop writing and focus more on my schoolwork and football instead of writing for people who read the books but still decide to give hate and try correct my book for there likes

If you want to criticise my book and tell me to delete chapters then 1. Stop reading the book and 2. Make your own book and put it the way you want

I struggle with dyslexia and ADHD which as you can imagine makes it difficult at times... I feel the needs to post at least a chapter a day but some days are worse then others with my ADHD... if it's one of those days that I'm struggling to focus on tasks I don't want to do then it could take up to 4 hours just to write 1k words... since I feel like I need to post a chapter a day when I do have those days I find it hard to focus on things then it makes it very difficult especially when it's one of those days I don't want to write

Moving onto my dyslexia, I'm sure you lot have read the books and seen little mistakes here and there and credit to you most of you haven't picked them out and just read on which I appreciate a lot but a few people message me and pick out those mistakes

I don't want my dyslexia to stop me writing since I love doing it most of the time but if people keep picking out the mistakes then it gets slightly annoying and upsetting... I re read the chapters before publishing them to go over my mistakes and see if anything's wrong but when re reading the book I pick out mistakes of my own as well...

Do want to say a thank you to people who have been supporting me... it hasn't gone unnoticed and I enjoy reading your comments so thank you

My rants over with... hopefully a chapter out tonight!!

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