Chapter 50: Exclusion

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( a/n this doesn't really fit the story line sort of but I really wanted to write it 😅)


"Why have you got to get involved" I snapped at one of my classmates as we sat in science

"Alex!" My teacher scolded me

"No like seriously, mind your fucking business" I said as I stood up and stormed out of the room

"Alex where are you going?" My teacher shouted as I walked off

As I walked into the building I heard a teacher shouting and then alexs voice

As I went round the corner I saw Alex storming off out of her science class

I walked into her class

"Miss what's happened?" I asked, most the the school know how close Alex and I are

"She just snapped at one of the students and then stormed out" miss sighed

I looked over at her sit and saw she had left her jumper, it was the summer and we had been allowed to leave our blazers at home and just wear out school shirts with our tie

Alex insisted on bringing her hoodies to school so that was her 'blazer' in her eyes

I grabbed her hoodie before walking out of the room and going off to find Alex

I walked around for a while but couldn't find her anywhere so decided to go to my lesson and try find her later

I walked into my maths class, a few of us had been selected to do extra maths, you'd have to be in set 1 to be accepted as it was additional and advanced maths

I heard one of the hall doors slam open and then someone running

"Alex turner stop running!" I heard one of the behaviour teacher shouted

She stopped in the doorway of my class, getting cornered in by teachers

One of the male behaviour teachers grabbed alexs shirt by her collar

I sighed knowing that this was going to escalate a lot

"Don't fucking touch me" Alex snapped as she pushed the behaviour teacher

The teacher who was previously chasing after her pulled her into them to separate her from the male teacher

They talked for a while before agreeing to sit Alex in my class at the back as there was only a few people in the class

Alex went and sat down at the back and placed her hands and head on the table before closing her eyes and seeming to go to sleep

My teacher left her be as she didn't want to make Alex react anymore.

Soon enough the lesson was over, Alex had to stay behind to write a report

I stayed behind and waited for her out in the hall

She came storming out, crashing into me, I wrapped my arms around her waist, pressing a kiss to her neck hoping to calm her down

"I need to go get my hoodie" Alex sighed

I shook my head and pulled it out of my bag

She said thank you and put it on, I pulled her hood down for her, she didn't have her usual glow in her eyes.

I sighed as I looked across as the bell ring, Alex not sat in her seat

She was supposed to be in maths with me but seems to be skiving yet again

"Alessia do you know where Alex is?" The teacher asked

"Think she is talking to a teacher" I lied

"Miss could I go use the toilet?" I asked, she gave me the toilet pass as I walked out of the classroom

As I walked to the bathroom I heard alexs laugh and then saw her as she turned the corner and walked up to me

"What are you doing?" I asked as I placed a hand on her stomach stopping her from walking past

"Going to class" she lied

"Oh yeah what do you have then?" I asked giving her a pointed look

"History?" She guessed

"Nice try Alex, get to maths now" i said sternly

"Turner get here now" I heard one of the behaviour teachers shout from the bottom of the hall

Alex took the toilet pass from around my neck and put it on, turning to the teacher

"But I'm going toilet sir" Alex said

"Nice try, we ain't trying to use this excuse again" he sighed as he walked closer to me and Alex

Alex took the pass off and handed it to me before running off again

I gave the teacher a sorry look as he passed me

Later on that night I knocked on alexs door, her mum answered it as Alex sat on the stairs

"I'm not going through this again, I thought this new school and new start was gonna help you but it's made you worse!" Alexs mum said as she looked at Alex sat on the stairs

"I'm sorry mum, but seriously I shouldn't have been expelled!" Alex said standing up

I shook my head at her, trying to tell her to calm down before things got worse

She seemed to ignore it as she continued to express her innocence to her mum

"It's too fucking late now Alex! You've been expelled for 2 weeks and there is fuck all we can do about it!" Her mum said before walking into the kitchen

I walked Alex up to her room, shutting the door behind me

"What the fuck happened?" I sighed as she sat at the edge of the bed

"Remember when I pushed that teacher" Alex said

I nodded my head and encouraged her to carry on speaking

"Well apparently that was my last warning and when I bumped into you and I was skiving they decided my punishment was to expel me for two weeks" Alex explained

"Alex" I sighed

"I don't need you having a go at me as well, I've just had it of her" Alex said standing up and walking to the window

I stood behind her and wrapped my arms around her, head resting against her back

"I've got you" I whispered as I pressed a kiss against her back

She needed someone to support her, to tell her that it was all gonna work out, she was scared and she was hiding it by acting like she didn't care

"Thank you" she said softly as she wrapped one of her hands round mine...

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