Chapter 40: Home

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We haven't had a chance to speak at all, Alessia seems to want time away from me, Ella is giving me looks every time I try and come near to Alessia and I'm just trying to focus on football right now, its too close to the euros to get involved with anything right now and I'm sure Alessia feels like that right now as well.

We are lucky enough to have our own rooms, something that doesn't happen often, I'm guessing they want us to have the best chance we can and mixing us together could cause lack of sleep or some tension because we haven't been given our own spaces.

"Hey" I smiled at Leah as she walked up to me and pulled me into a hug, resting her head on my chest as she wasn't tall enough to reach my shoulder

Leah and I have been getting close since I moved back to arsenal, she's definitely one of my best friends now.

"Well done on getting the captains armband" I said as we pulled apart

Leah had just been told she'd be captain for the euros

"Thank you Alex" she smiled up to me as I moved to sit down on one of the sofas in the rest room

Leah came and sat down next to me, resting her head on my shoulder as we watched Keira and Lucy play a basketball game.

Beth and Millie walked in, Rachel running in after then with Georgia quickly following Rachel

"Woah woah woah, what's going on" Leah said taking her head of my shoulder

Rachel came and sat on one of the bean bags in front of us as Millie snatched the tv remote out of my hands making me react until Leah placed her hand on my arm

"What we watching then" Beth said as she stood in front of the tv

"Well if you moved then we could be able to pick something" I said as I leaned back into the sofa

Beth looked at me and Leah before grinning

"Awww look at you two, latest couple yeah?" She teased

I placed my arm over leahs shoulder and brought her closer to me, her hand going up to mine that was over her shoulder and starting to play with my fingers

"Of course" I teased back, making Leah roll her eyes but stay in her position

I started laughing, moving my head to the side where I saw Alessia and Ella looking at me, clearly they had just walked into the rest room, Ella having a mad facial expression on her face and Alessia having a sad expression on her face

I stopped laughing immediately and went tense, I don't think Leah realised as she was too bothered trying to calm down the other girls so we could watch something

Ella grabbed Alessia's arm gently and took her out of the room, I sighed and turned my head back to the tv

I wasn't even doing it to try and wind Alessia up, since I've gotten older I've started to become more of physical contact person, but only to people I know very well such as Leah.

They both walked back in after a while, Ella sending me the most dirties look she could while Alessia just ignored me, they came and sat down, Alessia sitting close to Georgia, putting her head on Georgias shoulder while moving to watch the tv

I rolled me eyes but carried on watching the tv.

"Think I'm gonna go actually" I said after a few minutes, taking my arm away from Leah and standing up, not looking at Alessia and walking out of the room

I walked up to my room and watch my tv while sat on my phone, there was a knock on the door, I sighed and got up to answer it

Ella was stood there, she barged in and stood near my tv

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