Chapter 16: Making it up

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I shot up out of breath, pushing myself up against the headboard

"Woah, hey, hey" Alessia said moving my head to look at her

My eyes wouldn't make contact with hers, constantly looking around as she pulled my head further towards hers

"Alex" she whispered

I finally made eye contact with before the door opened

I looked at the door, my dad was there with that look he had when we were younger

I pushed myself out of the bed as he walked over to Alessia's side of the bed

"Get the fuck away from her" I said pushing him away

He punched me right across the face making me fall to the floor

I shot up breathing heavily and sweat dripping from me

I pushed myself up against the headboard

"Hey, hey" Alessia said moving herself so she was closer to me and touching the side of my face

"Your okay, look at me" she said

I couldn't take my eyes of the door

"Alex, look at me" Alessia said, I moved my eyes down to hers

She pulled me head further to her

She rested her forehead on mine

"Your okay" she said, softly connecting our lips

I pulled away and took a deep breath, closing my eyes and looking up at the roof

"Fuck" I whispered

Alessia moved so she was straddling me

"Alex" she said softly, guiding my head to look at her with her hands on the back of my neck

We stared at each other for a while before I rested my forehead back on hers

"I'm sorry" I whispered as our noses brushed against each others

"What for" she whispered

"Waking you" I said

"Don't be silly Alex" Alessia said leaning forward a little more and connecting our lips

"We have a few more hours until we need to be up" Alessia said as she laid down on me

"Try get some sleep" she said

"I'm not fucking doing this" I said slamming the plate down onto the worktop making it shatter

I don't how or why I'm in this bad mood but ever since I woke up after that nightmare nothing has been able to calm me down

I rested my hands on the worktop and closed my eyes letting my head drop

I took some deep breaths before opening my eyes

I looked at the mess I had made

"Fuck" I said, picking up the pieces of broken plate and putting it in the bin

"Your okay" Alessia whispered as I stood at the worktop again facing away from her

She lifted up my top up and massaged my lower back

I took my top off and turned around, lifting Alessia up and sitting her on the worktop

I put my hands on her thighs before leaning up to kiss her

She let out a shaky breath as my hands went under her shorts

"Alex" Alessia moaned into my ear

I kissed down her neck, making hickeys as I went

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