Chapter 42: Jill

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I smirked as I heard Alessia's breath hatch, my hands slipping under her shorts, her back to my front as we stood in my hotel room

I pressed a kiss to her neck as Alessia rested her head on my chest

I pressed a kiss to her cheek as my hands messed with the hem of her thong

"Alex" Alessia whispered

I hummed as I pressed another kiss to her cheek

There was a knock at the door

"Leave it" I mumbled against her cheek

"Dinner!" Ella shouted before banging on the door again

Alessia sighed but started to move away from me

I slipped my hands out of her shorts before wrapping them around her waist and stopping her from walking

"Alex" Alessia laughed softly

I sighed before letting go off her, she smiled up at me before walking to the door

"Alex what took- oh what are you doing here?" Ella teased as she saw her best friend answer the door instead of me

I rolled my eyes and pushed the door further open before holding the door open for Alessia as she walked out

"Shut up Tooney" I scoffed as I walked in front of them

"Hey!" Ella said

I ignored her as we walked into the canteen

A message went off on my phone as I sat with the girls after dinner

'Can we talk?' Was all it said

I sighed and got up

"Where you going?" Leah asked as I started to walk off

"Need to call someone" I said before walking off

I pressed on her contact and brought the phone to my ear

"Jill you okay?" I asked

"I'm fine, it's just- I feel like I need to offload and I don't who to talk to and I'm starting to struggle with it all" Jill admitted

"Do you want to meet somewhere, we can talk about what ever is bothering you" i said softly, I spent my first few months at arsenal with her, basically every single day and I promised her that I'd always be there for her no matter what, even after what happened with Alessia

A promise is a promise and I'll stick by it...

I walked back into the dinning hall after finishing the call with Jill and walked over to Alessia

"I'm just going out to get a drink with someone" I said as I pressed a kiss to her cheek

"Who?" Alessia asked

"I'll tell you after don't worry" I said smiling softly before walking out of the room and up to my hotel room to through on a jumper

"Hey" I said softly as I pulled Jill into a hug

"Hey" she said back as she pulled back after a while

"Coffee?" I asked as I walked to the counter

"I'll pay Alex" Jill said

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