Chapter 39: Speak Out

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"You ready" Alessia said as she walked into the bedroom, she walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck as mine went to her waist

I pressed a kiss to her lips as she pushed herself further against me

"Yeah are you?" I said as I drew shapes into her hip mindlessly

She nodded her head before stepping away and looking at herself in the mirror before saying we could go

It had been a few hours since we joined the girls in the club, Alessia was no where to be seen

I started to look for her, checking spare rooms, I walked to the bathroom, turning around one of the corridors before I froze completely

Alessia was there kissing some random women

"Hey!" I shouted as I walked over, Alessia pulling away from the girl but not seeming to fussed

I pushed the other girl before Alessia grabbed me

"What the fuck Alessia" I said shaking my head confused

"What you really thought I'd come running back to you after the way you treated me" Alessia smirked

I shot up and tried to catch my breath, looking to the side to see Alessia soundly asleep next to me

I ran my hands through my hair

"What the fuck" I mumbled quietly, dragging my hands down my face

I was awake when Alex shot up out of breath, I acted asleep as I heard her mumbled something

After a while Alex laid back down and came closer to me, pressing her back into my front and wrapping her arm around my waist

She pressed a kiss to the side of my head before tucking her head into my neck

I waited until I thought she was asleep before allowing my self to go to sleep

"Morning less" I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist as she was stood at the stove cooking some breakfast

I got a flashback from my dream last night making me tense for a second, I know Alessia felt it because she turned around and placed her head on my heart before speaking to me

"How did you sleep?" She asked, does she know?

"Alright, woke up once but fell back to sleep quickly" i said technically not lying

"How come?" Alessia asked as she moved to interlock one of her hands

"It's doesn't matter less" I mumbled as I pressed a kiss to her forehead

I felt Alessia squeeze my hand three times as we were about to watch my interview with the club about my life growing up

We made up a new sign to know if one of us were feeling okay, one of would squeeze the others hand three times and then depending on how you were feeling you'd either squeeze twice for no or once for yes

I squeezed her hand once letting her know I was okay

The video went decent to say I was talking about my family life, I was just anxious about the reaction from the fans...

'Imagine getting told you need to do this interview but it's not even your parent club'

'So brave of Alex'

'She's leaving in a few weeks and the club have posted something like that?'

'Did arsenal allow that?'

'End of the season is right round the corridor yet Man Utd post something like this, not even arsenal who she will be joining back soon'

I sighed reading the comments, I completely understood what they were saying, if I had the choose I would have chosen arsenal to make the video but right now they aren't who I'm playing for so didn't really get a choose...

"We will see each other in a few weeks less" I said softly as we stood by my car, all my things packed up to head back down to London

"I know but then what about after the euros?" Alessia asked as she wrapped her arms around my waist

"We will have to see, maybe things will change, if not then we will make sure to put effort in to keep this relationship alive yeah?" I said as I pressed a kiss to her neck

"I won't let what happened last time happen this time" I added

Alessia nodded and pressed a long kiss against my lips

"Text me when your home yeah?" She said against my lips

I pressed another kiss to her lips before nodding and bringing her into one last hug

'What the fuck is this Alex' Alessia sent to me, I was currently dealing with a massive hangover

The team had decided that before everyone leaves for the euros we would have one last party

She had sent a photo attached of me and this random blonde girl in the club, I could only barely remember what had happened

But one thing I'm certain about is that nothing happened between us, in the photo it shows her leaning against me as my arms were wrapped around her neck

'Nothing happened less x' I replied back

She was a lovely girl, very drunk, but she didn't have any intention whatsoever and was just a physical person, she had said something funny and then stumbled a bit and fell into me, I was just keeping her stable

Alessia read my message but didn't reply

I sighed knowing that this had come at the completely wrong time

We have a euros on home soil coming up, the last thing we need is tension between me and Alessia

Although it does give us a chance to talk it out in person...

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