Chapter 30: Jealousy and Dad

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(a/n whenever it's Jill's pov it will be written in this font)

"Do we really have to go out tonight?" I sighed as I laid on Jill's bed, already ready just waiting for Jill to finish getting ready

Jill walked over to the bed, nudging her knee into mine that was hung over the bed

"You'll enjoy it once you get there" jill said as she played with the bottom of my top

I looked up at her and smiled softy, she's so gently with everything she does, she's just a great person to be around

"Why you looking at me like that?" Jill said blushing

"Thinking about you" i said honestly

"Oh yeah"

"Just thinking how lucky I am" I smiled, sitting up

"Well you haven't asked me to be your girlfriend yet" jill teased

I leaned in and placed a kiss onto her lips

"Trust me I will soon, want it to be romantic" I said honestly before pressing another kiss to her lips

"Such a softie" jill teased as she stepped away to get ready

I shrugged with a smile and carried on watching her get ready

"You look beautiful" I said as I wrapped my arms around Jill

She was stood looking at herself in the mirror after finishing getting ready

"Thank you Alex" she said quietly with a soft smile

I pressed a kiss to her neck before grabbing her hand and pulling her to the front door

I opened her car door for her before walking over to my side and getting in, starting the engine and backing out of Jill's driveway

I wasn't going to drink tonight but Jill said she would, we both agreed that we would go back to Jill's house after and also that we need to act like friends when out in public

I put my hand on Jill's thigh as I drove to the nightclub we were going to, already being 10 minutes late before we had even set off

"The girls are gonna tease us about being  late" jill said as she scrolled through her phone

"Hmm and who's to blame for us being late" I teased

"Hey! I couldn't find my heels" jill said huffing

We pulled up to the night club and made our way in, I sat with Leah and Beth while Jill went and sat with DVD and viv

"What you drinking then?" I asked the two of them

"Vodka coke" they both said at the same time

"Are you not drinking tonight?" Beth asked me

"No not tonight, gotta take that one home anyways" i said, both girls knowing who I was talking about

"Right I'll be a second, getting myself a drink" I said standing up

"Thought you said you weren't drinking tonight?" Beth asked

"Coke you idiot" I said laughing, Leah joining in and making fun of Beth

I walked up to the bar and waited to be ordered

A small blonde girl came up to me and started to chat to me

"Where you from, doesn't sound like a southern accent" she asked as she placed her hand on my arm

"Yorkshire" I smiled at her

I watched as a random blonde girl flirted with Alex, she just let it happen.

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