Chapter 10: First Few Days

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It's had been a few days since we arrived and got introduced to everyone at the football club

Less, Lotte and I had been provided a house from the college since we were exchange students

It's was a lovely house just a 20 minute drive away from the college, in a nice neighbourhood where some over of the football players stayed

Our house was big to say it was only for three of us

It look like the typical American house, very different from a typical English house

Lottes room was down the hall to where Alessia and mine was

As Lotte was the oldest she got first dibs, Alessia and I being shoved next to each other, which I didn't mind actually

We all had to share a bathroom as there was only one shower in the house but that didn't fuss us

"Alex!" Lotte shouted from downstairs

I hoped off my bed and walked to the top of the staircase

"Yeah" I shouted back

"Get down here now" she said, oh shit what have I done

"Right so we don't destroy this house we are gonna set some rules out" Lotte said as I walked into the kitchen, where her and Alessia sat

I nodded and sat down

"We will share jobs around the house, you'll treat this house with respect as we have to live in it for a few years, if you damage something your paying for it and be respectful of each other, that means no shouting or playing loud music when one of us is trying to sleep and generally don't be annoying" Lotte said listing off the rules

"Oh and if your gonna have a girl around then ask before, it's our house to we don't want strangers hanging around our house" she added

I nodded knowing that I'm not here to have a girlfriend but to try and go pro in football

"I'm not here to have a girlfriend or one night stands, I'm here so I can improve my football" I said to Lotte

"Good, that's it's" she nodded

"Oh and I'll be writing down the jobs we have to do around the house" she said grabbing a piece of paper

I liked Lotte and think it was good we have her here because if not then less and I would have struggled a lot

I walked back up to my room and jumped onto my bed, going on my Xbox

Alessia walked into my room and laid on my bed, laying her head on my chest and watching me play fifa

"I want to have a go" Alessia said after I finished a match

I handed her the controller

"Do you know how to play" I teased

"I think so"

"Go on then explain the buttons" I said

She started to explain the buttons but got them all wrong

I tapped the space in between my legs and told her to sit there

She laid her back to my front with the controller in her hands

"Right so this button is to pass the ball" I said moving her thumb to the A button

"This button is for shooting" moving her thumb to the B button

"X is to cross the ball in and Y is a through ball"

I told her how to dribble with the ball and how to sprint

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