Chapter 62: New Family

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It's been a few weeks since our break off, I was currently heading off to England camp, deciding to drive on my own to have some time away from Leah and Beth, as they can be overwhelming at times.

Looking down at the time I saw I had plenty off time already being half way there, I decided I'd quickly find a shop and cafe, getting some snacks for the girls while also getting a hot chocolate

"Hiya could I get a hot chocolate please" I asked the worker at the cafe

"Large or Medium?" She asked smiling up at me

"Large please" I smiled back, she nodded before telling me that to wait over at the waiting spot for my drink

Once it was made I said thank you and made my way out of the cafe

I bumped into someone, thankfully I managed not to spill any of my drink

"Sorry" I apologised as I looked down at them

"Alex?" The girl said back to me

Thinking it was a fan I smiled at her, nodding my head slightly

"Sorry, are you Alex Turner?" The girl said after she recomposed herself

"Yeah I am" I smiled

"Do you want-" I said before she butted in

"Your dad is Mark Turner isn't he?" She said, that confused me because no one apart from a few people knew my dads name

"Umm yeah why?" I asked cautiously

"Is there anywhere we could go, I think you need to sit down for this" the girl said

I nodded my head to the cafe, she smiled softly and started to walk into the cafe

I held the door open for her, she said thank you while walking into the cafe

We found a table and sat down

"Look I'll be quick because it seems you need to be places" the girl said looking down at my England kit

"My names Ruby, your dad is Mark Turner" Ruby said

"Correct" I still said cautiously

"Look this isn't easy to say but before your dad died he told me about you" she said making me even more confused

"Your dad had a second family" she said after a while

"Pardon" I said making sure what I heard was right

"My names Ruby Turner, I'm your half sister" she said

"Fuck" I whispered

Ruby placed her hand on my hand that was resting on the table

She ran her thumb over my knuckles

"I know, I reacted the exact same way finding out that you were my half sister" Ruby said softly

"I don't even know what to say, how many people are in your family?" I asked

"There is me, my mum, our dad and my younger brother who is 5" Ruby said

"Fucking hell, I've got a brother who is 5, does he know anything about me and my family?" I asked

She nodded her head

"He's got a little bit of an idea" she said

"How was dad with you guys?" I asked

"Shit, yeah, ruined my mums life" she said getting a bit upset

I moved my hand on top of hers now, running my thumb over her knuckles

"How was he for you?" She asked

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