Chapter 57: Dare

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I ran my hand through Alex's hair as she laid asleep on me, the morning sun had woken me up

Alex seemed peaceful, her head laid on my chest, arms wrapped around my waist

She suddenly started to try push herself away from me, the hand that was brushing through her hair stopped and my palm laid flat on her hair, stopping her shaking her head

My other arm wrapped around her mid section pulling her into me, my leg went over her leg, stopping her from trying to kick

"Hey your okay" i whispered into her ear as her fighting carried on

Her eyes were closed, I had managed to place her head on my chest near my heart so she could listen to my heart beat

She still was trying to get away from me though

"Alex it's Alessia" I said pressing a kiss to her head

Her fighting slowly became less and less, more of her body weight being placed back on top of me

"Your okay" I whispered over and over as she calmed down

I felt her arms wrap back around me, this time not fighting to get away from me but fighting to get closer to me

"I'm not going anywhere" I said softly as she pushed her body further into mine

"Don't leave" she mumbled, it was as if she wasn't processing anything I was saying, to focused on whatever had happened

I lifted her head up so she could see me, I pressed a kiss onto her lips before resting my forehead against hers

"What happened?" I asked as she moved her head back to my chest

"Just a nightmare" Alex mumbled

"Want to talk about it?"

Alex shook her head, clearly silently telling me she wanted to try and forget about it

"Come on, Leah asked last night if we want to go spend the day with your teammates" i said as I ran a hand down her back

She groaned but moved of me, standing up to stretch

I stood up and wrapped my arms around her, her arms draping down over my shoulders after she finished stretching

"Mhm your warm" i mumbled into her neck

"Deja vu" Alex laughed, thinking back to the time we were in college

Eventually we separated, Alex going up for a shower while I went to her kitchen to see what I could make for breakfast

Just as I finished making breakfast Alex walked into the room, she came over to where I was cooking and wrapped her arms around my waist as I cooked

I smiled up at her as she looked down at me, I turned back to the food to watch it as Alex rested her head against the top of mine

"I missed you" she mumbled into my hair

"I missed you too" I said back, wrapping one of my hands around hers

"Come on lazy, breakfast is ready" I teased as Alex took a step back allowing me to plate up the food

She placed her hand on my lower back as she looked over my shoulder at the food

"Looks amazing less" she said softly

I smiled softly up at her, leaning up to press a kiss against her lips before lifting her plate up and handing it to her

We ate breakfast and talked about arsenal and Man Utd before getting dressed and driving to Leah's house

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