Chapter 17: Ex's

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"You not getting that then" Alessia laughed

Less and I are currently in her room, I was laying on her while she drew shapes onto my back

I groaned and grabbed my phone, sitting up slightly

"Hello" I answered the phone without checking who it was

"Alex" Emily's voice slurred down the phone

"Emily?" I said standing up

"Have you been drinking?" I added

"No why would you think that" she slurred down the phone

"Where's Ava?" I asked

"She left me" Emily said

"Where are you?" I said putting my shoes on

"The park thingy and you were at" she said

"Station park" I said

"That's the one"

I told her I would be there in 10 minutes before ending the call and sighing

I walked over to Alessia and kissed her on the forehead

"I'll be back soon" I smiled down at her

I grabbed my coat and walked out of the door

I walked to the park and saw Emily sat on a bench

Look I know me and Emily haven't seen eye to eye recently but I do feel sorry for her

Her girlfriend has left her in the park at night time, while being drunk

I mean how dangerous is that

I sat down on the bench next to her

"Alex" she slurred excitedly

"Hey Emily" I said softly smiling at her

Lotte and I followed Alex as she walked to the park to meet Emily

I know we shouldn't have but I can't help but feel like something might happen

I trust Alex, I truly do, but can't help but feel slightly worried when she's around Emily

They were together and Alex was head over heels for Emily, would do anything for Emily no matter what so can't help but be slightly worried that she still would do anything for Emily out of the respect of once dating each other

Lotte and I stood behind a tree each watching those two interact with each other

I gave Lotte I stern look when she was about to burst out into laughter for being in this situation, stalking her roommate behind a tree in a park

I watched Alex pull Emily into a hug before pulling away and smiling

She took her coat off and gave it to Emily before standing up and holding her hand in front of her to help Emily up

Lotte and I looked at each before running back to the house

I helped Emily walk to my house, she'd have to stay here for a while

I opened the front door and let her walk in first

"Come on let's get you a drink" i smiled softly at her

I walked into the kitchen, Lotte and Alessia there

"Hiya girls, is it okay if Emily stays over for a while?" I asked

They both nodded with a smile, Alessia more hesitant then Lotte

Emily sat down as I went and made her a drink

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