chapter 67: bruises

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alessia didn't respond to me

i took a deep breath, alessia needed me to be calm in this situation

if i wasn't calm then she might freak out, clearly something bad has happened and she needs me to be that supportive hand instead of going of the rails about it

"less" i whispered as i moved my hand down to her cheek, still sat on top of her

she shook her head as tears started to fall

i rolled us over so she was now laying on top of me, i cradled her head as it rested against my chest

"what happened less?" i whispered again, i needed to find out what happened to her and who did it

"not tonight, tomorrow morning alex" less whispered into my chest

i sighed before agreeing, she needed rest

even tho that meant i wouldn't be able to get any sleep tonight because of my mind thinking of every possible thing that could have happened to her at least she would be able to sleep on it and tell me everything in the morning

i groaned at the morning sun shinning into alessia and my room, i turned over and pulled alessia closer to me

everything from last night came flooding back, i was impressed by the fact i managed to get some sleep.

"i should have come with you" i whispered into alessia's hair, unaware of the fact she was now awake

"don't blame yourself alex" less mumbled turning around in my arms to face me

alessia and i held deep eye contact, sometimes less and i don't need to talk verbally because our eyes do it all

i could see the pain in her eyes and the regrets about going out last night.

i rested my forehead against hers, closing my eyes and enjoying the fact i could be close to alessia

"i wish i never went last night alex" alessia admitted

i pressed a soft, reassuring kiss against her lips before pulling away

"what happened alessia, i need to know" i said softly

"you were right about jake" alessia said after a while, my heart dropping... he didn't do what i think he did, did he?

"less, i need you to tell exactly what happened last night with him" i said firmly

"during the night he made multiple advances on to me but every single time i rejected him, i didn't think much of it at the time because i thought he was just acting like this because he was drunk. Later on in the night he dragged me to a private area and again tried to advance onto me but i rejected him and then that's when he started to" alessia stopped, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath

"started to hit you?" i asked

she nodded her head against my chest.

even tho she was still suffering from it all it was a relief to hear that she only got hit and nothing else

i knew i had to stay with alessia instead of going out and trying to find this jake guy, alessia needed me close and if i went away from her she could spiral even more

i needed to put my anger aside and make sure alessia was okay before i did anything stupid.

"i won't let him go anywhere near you again okay less" i mumbled into her hair

we stayed like that for a little while longer, happy to be in each others arms.

"less" i whispered into her hair

"mhm" she mumbled into my neck

"can you show me where he hit you?" i asked softly

she hesitated for a little while before shaking her head no

i understand why she said no, she was nervous and also it was a big thing that happened to her and she probably just wanted to forget about it but also on the other hand i needed to see where she had got hurt, i wouldn't be doing my job as her girlfriend if i just let her hide all these bruises away from me.

"less, i know you don't want to but i need to make sure your okay and that no where is really badly damaged" i said softly as i pressed a kiss to her forehead

alessia pushed herself of me, standing up and pacing the room

"what do you not understand alex, i don't want you to see them" alessia said getting angry

i stood up and made my way over to her, stopping her pacing by placing my hand on her shoulder

she shrugged me off as she continued to shout at me

"why can't you just let it go? i've told you what happened why do you now needed to see the bruises" alessia seethed

"alessia" i said softly

"stop! stop with that fucking soft,petty voice! i don't need it!" she pushed me, making me take a little step back

she was angry and i'd rather her take it out on me than bottle it up so if it meant she was physically pushing me then whatever at least i was getting an understanding of her actual feelings

"im fucking fine!" she said as she pushed me again

"okay" i whispered, i just needed to agree with her

"im- im fine" she said quietly as she collapsed into my body, her emotions taking all the energy out of her

i wrapped her up into my arms, letting her lean all her body weight onto me.

she gripped onto my t-shirt as if she was scared i was going to disappear from her when she let go of me

"im sorry" she whispered after a while

"you've got nothing to be sorry about less" i mumbled into her hair

she started to cry, everything finally catching up with her.

i pulled her impossibly closer, whispering reassuring things into her ear and pressing kisses to her forehead

"your okay less" i whispered as i slowly took us to the ground, leaning my back against the bed with alessia in my arms

it hurt me so much to see her this way, i truly wish i had come with her last night... none of this would have happened

eventually alessia calmed down, resting her head on my shoulder as she looked out of our balcony glass door at the view, deep in her thoughts

"what you thinking about?" i whispered as i ran my finger up and down her arm softly

"i won't to show you the bruises but i'm scared" alessia said quietly

"scared of what?" i said softly

"that you'll judge me" she mumbled

"i could and would never judge you alessia, i want to see them so i can make sure your okay and see what that man did to you" i said protectively

"please don't get angry when you see them" alessia whispered as she looked up at me, her eyes pleading me to stay calm

"i promise i'll stay calm" i whispered, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to her lips

alessia showed me all the bruises scattered across her body, my jaw clenching seeing what this man did to her.

i knew i had to stay calm for alessia but fuck me it was going to be hard...

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