Chapter 28: Comfort

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"Look dad I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" I was cut off as his fist hit my face, I stumbled back into the wall as he got closer

I shot up, heavy breathing and sweat dripping from me

I felt a hand on my back, running up and down it

Then I felt the same hand wrap around the back of my neck before they got closer

"Your okay" jill whispered softly

"I'm sorry Jill, I didn't mean to wake you up" I sighed as I let my head hang

"It's okay you couldn't help it, I want to make sure your okay" she said softly pressing a kiss to my shoulder blade

"Do you want a shower?" She asked softly

I nodded and made my way out of bed, jill falling behind me

Once showered we made our way make to her bed

"What happened in the dream?" Jill asked

"I'll tell you everything tomorrow okay?" I mumbled as I rested my head on her chest

"Okay" jill said kissing my forehead before I fell asleep

I was sat on Jill's sofa as she walked around doing little chores

"You sure you don't want me to do anything?" I asked as I watched her

She looked good, like extremely good

Hair up in a messy bun and in a full grey tracksuit

"It's okay I'm done now" she said softly, coming and laying on top of me

"Wanna talk about last night?" She asked softly

"Basically my dad use to hit my mum when I was younger, me and my older brother would always get involved and stuff trying to stop my dad from hitting my mum, he didn't really pay attention to his children and loved to drink. He has hit me quite a few time and left a few scars but that's in the past. I think my mum was happy when I got into Arsenal because that meant she could get away from him. He started to act like he cares when my mum died and then that's when the nightmares properly started to happen quite a lot, I guess even tho I was shouting at him from other side of the phone it still reminded me off when we were younger. The dream I had last night was weird because it's never happened before I guess I made it up in my head, normally my dreams are about something that has happened before but last night it wasn't" I said

Jill paid full attention to me when I was talking which made my heart melt

"What was the dream?" She asked softly moving her head to rest on my chest

"I had a dream I had gotten in trouble at school for something random and my dad found out, he reacted strangely, I was stood at the top of the stairs in my old childhood home, my dad shouting at me as I apologised over and over again, as I was explaining something he lifted his fist and punched me in the face and I went stumbling into the wall and then I woke up" I said

"That's awful Alex, I'm so sorry you had to grow up like that" jill said drawing shapes onto my arm

"It's alright really, I've moved on now and I'm an adult so I doesn't matter" i said playing it off

"It does matter and your still having nightmares about it alex, I'm not gonna push you to try do something about it like see a therapist but if you ever wanna talk I'm here, and thank you for opening up to me about it, it's a difficult thing to do especially around a topic like that" jill said softly moving her head so she was looking at me

I leaned forward and pressed a kiss onto her lips

"Thanks jilly" I smiled softly

Today we are playing Man Utd in a cup game at our ground, the girls are buzzing about

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