chapter 68: control

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"alex!" leah said shaking me

"hmm" i said taking my eyes of the empty plate of food in front of me and up to leah's eyes

"what's wrong with you recently?" leah asked, it was currently dinner time and i had barely been talking

to busy with the thoughts in my head, thinking about alessia over and over again.

why the fuck did i not just go with her?

non of this would have happened if i just went with her...

i failed to protect her, i let her go off with this man who we had just had an argument about to a club

why was i being so fucking stupid and stubborn about it.

"ALEX!" leah shouted, gaining nearly everyone's attention in the dinner hall

"fuck sake leah what!" i snapped as i stood up

leah was shocked with the way i reacted, i immediately felt guilty

the only thing i could think off was getting out of that situation, i pushed the chair back and left the room leaving my jumper and phone on the table

"ALEX" i heard leah shouted, causing me to look over at there table

"fuck sake leah what!" alex snapped as she stood up before walking out of the room, leaving her jumper and phone on the desk

i walked over to leah's table, seeing her still visibly shocked with alex's reaction

"you okay leah?" i asked as i sat down in the seat alex was previously sat in

"i didn't think she was going to react like that, i was only trying to ask if she was okay" leah said as she looked down at her hands

i placed my hand over her hands, causing her to bring her eyes back up to mine

"you know she didn't mean to snap at you and she probably feels incredibly guilty now, you know how much she looks up to you, she sees you as her older sister" i explained softy

"i just wanted to see what was wrong with her" leah shrugged

"i know you were trying to look out for her" i said nodding

"leave it up to me, i'll find out what has put her in such a grump" i smiled softly at leah, who nodded her head with a grateful smile

i grabbed alexs jumper and phone and made my way up to our room, unlocking it and finding alex in there, clearly haven used her spare key that was in her joggers pocket

she was laying on the bed watching some shitty reality tv program

"hello grumpy" i teased softly, she looked up at me and smiled slightly

it had been a few days since this innocent and ever since alex has been out of it really, there but not really there

i placed her phone and jumper down on the table by the door and made my way over to her

i laid down on top of her, placing my head on her chest, i felt her arms wrap around me

it made my heart skip a beat, it always did but today felt extra special i don't know what it was

maybe it was the fact that even though she was clearly angry about something she still gave me that loving side to me, still wrapped me up in a tight hug, still was affectionate...

something that was missing when we were younger, if she was angry or annoyed at something then she wouldn't be affectionate with me, she was so wound up she'd forget about things like this...

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