Chapter 55: Break Up

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I bolted through the corridors of the training ground, running late to training

I felt a body crash against mine, I quickly put my hands out to hold onto them so they didn't fall

"Woah you okay?" I asked Lia as she looked up at me, tear stained cheeks

I pulled her into my arms, wrapping them around her as she shoved her head into my neck

"Lia what's happened" I pushed

"Caitlin" Lia mumbled into my neck

"What happened to Caitlin" I asked

"She- she broke up with me" Lia said leaning closer into me

I tried my best to comfort Lia as she cried

"How about this, I go tell jonas your not in the right head space to train and that I need to look after you, we then go back to yours and Caitlin's house and grab all your stuff, move it into my house and then we go out for the day?" I said softly

Lia nodded against my chest

"Okay you stay here I'll be a second" I said letting go of her

"Thank you Alex" Lia whispered

I smiled at her before jogging off to find jonas

"Ready?" I asked with a soft smile

She nodded her head, we made our way to my car and started the journey to hers and Caitlin's house

"Do you want me to pack the things and you stay here?" I asked cautious that she might not want to go back into the house so soon

"No it's okay I'll come in with you" Lia said with a soft smile

We pack all her things and then brought them out to my car

We drove to mine and brought all the boxes into my house, leaving them in the hall for the time being

'Hey Lia and Caitlin have just broken up, thought id tell you as Lia is staying over at mine for a little while now x' I sent to Alessia so she knew and didn't see some photo of Lia and I and wonder when we got so close

'I was going to come down this weekend but I can wait if you guys need me to! Hope Lia is feeling okay x' Alessia sent back

'Don't be silly less of course you can come down, I've been missing you x' I sent before placing my phone into my pocket

"Right what do you want to do? Stay here or go out" I asked as Lia walked into the kitchen

"Could we go and grab some food and then come back here please?" Lia asked

"Come on then" I smile softly

We went to the shops and bought ice cream, sweets, crisps... the whole lot

We made our way back to mine and picked a movie to watch

I heard a quite sniffle from Lia, I looked over at her and saw her try hide her emotions

"Come here Wally" I said softly, opening my arms

She needed someone to be there for her

She moved over and laid in my arms

"Your going to be okay lia, I know it might not seem like it right now but you will" I said as I smiled softly down at her

"Thank you Alex, Alessia is lucky to have you" Lia said softly

"Hmm I can be a pain at times" I said looking guilty

"Why what's happened?" Lia said catching on

"We just don't agree on our future plans, she wants things that I don't want" I said

"Such as marriage?" Lia pushed

I nodded my head

"And kids" I added

"That's pretty huge things to disagree on but you two are perfect together, I'm sure you'll figure it out" Lia said

"She's coming down this weekend so I think we will talk then" I nodded

"I'll be out of your way by then" Lia said feeling like a burden

"Don't be silly Lia, you can stay for however long you need" I said

"Thank you Alex" she said

I smiled before lifting the tube of ice cream

"Now should we eat this before it melts?" I said, handing her a spoon

We sat and watched movies for the rest of the day while eating our snacks from the shop

I heard a knock on the door as we were half way through our third movie

"I'll get it" I said as I stood up

I walked to the door and opened it, Caitlin on the other side

"What do you want?" I said coldly

"To speak to Lia" Caitlin scoffed

"Wanna ask in a nicer tone?" I said leaning against the door

"Just let me talk to Lia" Caitlin sighed

"And what if I don't?" I said, trying to wind her up

"It ain't your decision if she wants to speak to me or not" Caitlin said

"Give me a second" I said, shutting the door and leaving her outside

I walked into the living room

"Caitlin is here and wants to speak to you, I can tell her to go if you don't want to" I said as I leaned against the door frame

"I don't want to speak to her, it's too soon" Lia said shaking her head

I nodded my head and made my way back to the front door

I opened it to find a pissed off looking Caitlin stood on the other side

"She said no mate" I said leaning against the door again

Caitlin took a step forward trying to get into the house

I blocked her off with my body

"I said she said no" I said more sternly

"I don't care I need to speak to her" Caitlin said pushing me

I pushed her back, stepping out of the house and pushing her to her car

I felt a sharp object slash in between two of my knuckles before she got into her car and quickly drove away

I looked down at my hand and saw a slash in between my knuckles

"Alex?" Lia said as she stepped out onto my drive

I looked up at her and smiled softly

"She gone don't worry" I said walking up to her

Lia looked down at my hand and saw the blood dripping

"Shit Alex, let me clean that cut up for you" Lia said sounding guilty

We shut the front door and walked into bathroom, grabbing the first aid kit

I sat on the counter while Lia cleaned the cut up

"It wasn't your fault I got this cut you know" I said as I looked down at her

"It is" Lia mumbled as she focused on cleaning my cut

"No it's Caitlin's fault" I said

"She came here because she knew I was here" Lia said

"And why were you here? Because she broke up with you" I said making a point

We soon made our way back downstairs, I sent a quick message to Alessia explaining what happened and then paying attention to the movie on the screen in front of me...

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