Chapter 63: New Name

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"I hate being a Turner" I sighed as I messed around with Alessia's strings on her hoodie

"Change it then" Alessia said softly as she looked down at me, I was laying on her as we talked in my room

"But the fans and media" i sighed

"Forget them, this is your life, if you don't wanna be a Turner anymore then change it" Alessia said firmly

"Alex Brooks" I said thinking out loud, Brooks being my mums last name

Alessia smiled softly down at me, I leaned up and placed a kiss against her lips

"Alessia Brooks has a ring to it, no?" I said against her lips with a smirk

"Bold for you to think I'd take your last name, Alex" Alessia teased

I gave her a pointed look, she rolled her eyes with a soft laugh

"Alright yes it does" she sighed jokingly

I pressed another kiss against her lips, slowly pushing myself up, hand running down Alessia's chest

"Alex" Alessia whispered against my lips, I leaned forward and connected our lips again

"Hmm" I mumbled against her lips

"Please" she said, moving her hand to my wrist and pulling it down further

I smirked against her lips, deepening the kiss

There was a knock on the door, I groaned breaking the kiss between Alessia and I

I slowly got off Alessia and went to answer the door

I opened it to find Leah stood behind it

"Captain" i teased with a smirk

Leah rolled her eyes before telling me someone was waiting for me in the reception

"Cheers mate, I'll be down in a minute" I smiled as she walked away

I walked back into the room and grabbed my trainers, slipping them on before walking over to Alessia, pressing a kiss to her forehead before leaving

I ran down to the reception, Ruby there with a smaller boy

I walked up to her and pulled her into a hug

"How are you" I asked as we pulled out of the hug

"I'm good thank you, this one wanted to see you sooner then the match, is that okay?" Ruby asked

I nodded my head with a smile

"Of course" I said before bending down to be level with the boy

He had blonde hair, the bluest eyes and freckles on his face

He looked like a boy version of Alessia to be honest

"Hey Alfie" I smiled softly at the boy, being told his name over text messages between Ruby and me

"Hi" he said shyly

"Don't be shy buddy" i laughed softly, opening my arms, he stepped into my arms as I wrapped them around him gently

"He's a big fan of you guys" ruby smiled down at us

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