Chapter 37: Sleepless Nights

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I felt Alessia put her hands on my shoulders as I sat and watched the tv on the sofa

I titled my head back and looked up at her, she smiled softly down at me

"Come 'ere" I said patting the sofa next to me

Alessia smiled before walking over and sitting next to me, I pulled her into me and pressed a kiss to the side of her head before we carried on watching the tv

After a while I tapped the back of her thigh to signal we needed to get up, she groaned and became more clingy before eventually agreeing and standing up

I pressed a kiss to her lips before pulling her closer into me, I felt her relax against me, I swayed us gently from side to side and pressed feather like kisses onto her forehead

"What's wrong?" I mumbled against her forehead

"I just wanna be with you the whole night and I know we can't" Alessia said into my neck

"Sure we can, who says we can't" I said moving one of my hands to the back of her neck and rubbing my thumb back and forth against it

"The media will have a field day with us constantly stood next to each other" Alessia said

"So? Let them" I said pressing a kiss against her forehead

Alessia seemed uncertain about it but knew we needed to get ready so we made our way up to the bedroom

"You look amazing less" I smiled softly as I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind

She was in a black dress that had long sleeves, ended at the middle section of her thighs and had a little turtle neck that had a cut through it on one side showing one side of her neck and collarbone

I pressed a kiss against her neck where her exposed skin was

Her hair was straighten with slight curls in it

She rested her head against my chest as I scanned her body

"Think we should just stay at home" i said smiling at her through the mirror

She smiled softly and tapped my thigh with her leg "come on we need to go" she said as the roles had now been changed to me wanting to stay home and her wanting to go to the media night

We were going to an awards show tonight for one of our sponsors so we needed to be on our best behaviours

I smiled as I watched Alex interact with one of the sponsors children, she had been put in charge of looking after the hosts child as he went and talked to the groups

The little child's name was Emily and she was around 4

I watched as Alex bent down to be in level with the little girl, how she let Emily fiddle with the buttons on alexs blazer as Alex spoke to her

That's another thing, Alex look incredible tonight, in a suit but just missing the tie, matching colours with me...

Alex stood up and lifted Emily up and rested her on her hip as she spoke and pointed at things, keeping Emily entertained

Eventually after a while emily got tired, it being way past her bedtime

Emily rested her head against alexs chest and fell asleep as Alex spoke to others

The sight in front of me nearly made me cry, she was perfect, yes we have been through our rough patches and all sorts but seeing her with a kid in her arms makes me dream about starting a family with her

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