Chapter 5: Breaking point

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"Less wake up" i groaned, slowly she woke up

"We need to get ready for school" i said turning my alarm off

Alessia got up and went through her bags to find her school kit

Once she found it she got changed and made  her way to sit at my mirror,  once ready taking an advantage off my mirror she decided to take a photo of herself, with me in the background

'Jealous of the mirror' she put as the caption, posting to her Snapchat story

We set off early to get to school, once we got to school we made our way to tutor period, not very many people had gotten to school yet

The day went decent to say I was on crutches

We walked home, getting let out early so we could beat the wave of students

I sighed as I laid down on my sofa, Alessia looked down at me "stressful day?" She teased

"Mhm very stressful" i said closing my eyes

"I'm not going in tomorrow, I'm saying I'm sick" I told Alessia as she walked into the kitchen

"No your not" Alessia said walking back out to face me

"Yeah come on... skive with me" I said giving her a pleading look

She huffed and finally said yes

"Get in, we are gonna watch movies all day long" i said planning out the day

"We will have to wake up early so I can phone the school and act like my mum, then I'll phone the school again and act like your mum" I said

"As if they'd believe you" Alessia scoffed

"Well my number is the emergency contact on my records, they have every right to believe me if I put on a more female voice" I said

"And what about me?" Alessia asked

"Get one of your older brothers to phone in actually" I said thinking of a new plan

Alessia nodded to the plan and walked back into the kitchen


I woke up to less laying on my chest, I called the school and acted like my mum was calling me in sick, which they somehow bought

Alessia got her brother to call in and say she was sick for her

I grabbed my Xbox controller and turned my Xbox on while Alessia laid on me, her head resting on my chest and went on her phone

There was a knock on the door,I pushed Alessia off me and got up

"You stay here, I'll see who it is" I said, Alessia nodding and going back to sitting on her phone

I looked out one of the side windows and saw  Emily, I opened the door and pulled her into my house as I was only in a sports bra and football shorts

"Just say if you want me to come in" Emily teased making me roll my eyes

"Why arnt you dressed?" Emily said as she looked down me

"I'm not going in, I can't be asked walking around with crutches all day" I shrugged

"But your education" Alessia said

"Alessia isn't going in either, I'll study with her don't worry" I said

Emily didn't seem happy with the idea

"Nowt will happen, she's just my mate" I laughed at her

Emily hugged me, not much I could do as I had my crutches

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